To those of you whose eyes glaze over and ears tune out when the conversation turns to currencies commodities interest rates and deficits take hope : a lot of what McDermott is talking about is pretty straightforward stuff .
如果你们对一切有关汇率、大宗商品、利率和赤字的话题感兴趣,不妨听 一听: 麦克德莫特很多言论都非常直截了当。
Buy tune out the market noise and hold .
买入,对市场杂音 充耳不闻,持有。
The Format Becomes Too Repetitive-If the same format is used time after eventually team members will become bored and tune out during the retrospective .
形式过于重复&如果反复采用同样的形式,最后团队会变得厌倦,并且在回顾会议中 走神。
Whatever you 're talking about children rapidly tune out if you go beyond them
不管你在说什么,如果孩子们 听不 懂,就会很快 走神。
At this point many students just tune out or get caught up in an internal dialogue trying translate a specific word .
出现这种情况,许多学生是因为 走神 了,或者正在脑子想着某个词的意思。
Then tune out all the distractions and focus on these actions .
然后 抛开 杂念,全神贯注完成这些事情。
Are a dime a dozen people tune out .
不会引起太多人的 注意。
Sometimes the INJ 's private world overtakes the INJ to the point that they completely tune out their environment .
有时INJ完全 沉浸 在自己的内部世界中,以至于 关掉了对环境的感应。
Presumably this is because they tune out the worries and doubts that normally keep their actions in check .
从假定来说,这是因为人们 不再 关注 于那些普通 时候让人们做出行为时要考虑的担忧、疑虑。
People don ` t just tune out in the middle of a story .
一定 出 什么问题 了,史蒂文,人们通常不会在一个节目的中间 换 频道的。
Information overload can lead some people to tune out messages altogether .
过量的资讯可能会导致一些人 乾脆对全部资讯都置之不理。
But this is especially important with virtual meetings because it is so easy for participants to tune out .
这一点对于虚拟会议尤其重要,因为参与者很容易对会议 丧失 兴趣并选择 离开。
You have to just tune him out when he gets angry .
他生气时,你只能 不 理他。
Do please tune out that terrible music I can 't bear the noise .
快 关掉那可怕的音乐,我受不了这噪音。
I just tune out and let Chrissie take over .
我不再过问,让 克里西接管此事。
It causes you to tune out the world to sit in front of the television and ignore your relationships .
会让你将世界 置身于 度外,守在电视机旁,不理会和人们的感情联系。
Once the brain has determined the position of the acoustic source it can focus on the sound and tune out unwanted noise coming from other directions .
大脑一旦决定出声音的来源位置,便能专注在该声音上,而 把来自其他方向的 无用噪音 排除 在 外。
We must tune out the idiots to achieve any kind of sanity or serenity .
我们必须要 调出这些傻瓜,让他们达到任何一种理智或安宁。
Rose heard the familiar voice but tuned out the words .
罗斯听到了熟悉的声音,但 没注意听说的是什么。
For example learning a new language has been shown to delay Alzheimer s boost brainpower reduce cognitive biases and even increase concentration and the ability to tune out distractions .
比方说,有研究显示学习一门新语言可以延缓老年痴呆症,可以提高大脑能力,可以减少认知偏差,甚至还可以增强注意力 避免 分心。
You tune in one station and thus tune out all others .
你调收一个电台,就 调 除了所有其他的台。
Find a quiet corner and tune out for five minutes .
找个安静的角落, 放松五分钟。
I 'd tune out the booing when I heard it telling myself that that 's just life on the road when you play in the NBA .
当我听到对我的 嘘声时我会假装听不到,我 不停地告诉我自己,你在NBA混迹那就是你人生路上必定会碰到的。
Conversely it may also be that individuals with MDD turn to happy music to tune out their negative moods or to elevate their moods .
相反,患有抑郁症的青少年转向愉快的音乐可以“ 撇开”消极情绪或消除他们的情绪。
It 's harder to tune out you can 't pull your attention away from it and you 're more distracted by it .
你很难不 理不 睬,你无法转移注意力不去听别人打手机,这样一来,你就更加分心了。
Halfway through the day however you find yourself checking your email for the fifth time looking at your aunts cat pictures on Facebook and trying to tune out your coworkers loud conversation about his mother-in-law .
然而半天过去了,你发现自己正在不停地查看邮件,上Facebook看你阿姨家猫的照片,并 调大音量听音乐来 排除同事和岳母电话吵架的干扰。
The global footprint of China 's state-controlled English-language news outlets is growing but broadcasts are so dull international viewers tune out .
由中国政府掌控的英语新闻电视台在世界上的足迹分布越来越广,但 播报太过沉闷,外国观众根本 不 看。
It was one way to tune out the voices that babbled like the gush of a river inside my head .
这是 调 掉我脑海里那些像河里冲 出来的气泡一样的声音的一种办法。
美[tun aʊt]英[tju:n aut]