Therapeutic care during pregnancy is conditioning the balance of the body through the diet to pregnant women . The basic methods are : tune up blood reconcile Yin and Yang and stable the five internal organs .
妊娠期食疗保健,即通过食疗调理 妊妇机体平衡,其基本方法为:调理气血、调和阴阳与安和五脏。
If Sally told you to tune up your organizational skills ask her for specifics and how she thinks you can avoid getting into a similar mess in the future .
如果 莎莉告诉你去 提高组织技巧,紧接着请教她具体方法和步骤,以及将来类似的情况下她认为应该如何做去避免相同的问题。
In the article the whole scheme of shrapnel shooting simulant system was conceived It uses hydraulic impact mechanism with pressure feedback controlled by computer as the equipment producing vibration It can tune up vibration frequency and acceleration without limit .
文中介绍了榴弹发射振动模拟系统的设计,该系统利用微机控制的压力反馈液压冲击器作为激振器,能实现振动频率和加速度的 无级 调节;
If you want to feel happier you have to tune up your thinking .
要是你想更快乐,还得 调整 好你的思维方式。
The universiade is a chance for young athletes to grow and also a chance for those local students to tune up their game .
大运会不仅给年轻运动员一个成长的机会,同时也给了当地学生 们“ 调整”的机会。
The NMOS only cross-coupled pair is used to lower the phase noise and the simulated 2nd harmonic phase noise is - 106.5 dBc / Hz at 1-MHz offset and the frequency tune range up to 8 % .
电路中使用了一个只有NMOS的交差耦合对来降低相位噪声,其仿真得到二次谐波输出端的相位噪声在1MHz频移时为-106.5dBc/Hz。并且这个推-推VCO可 达到的频率 调谐范围为8%。
Try pitching the tune up a little and see if it sounds better .
试着将 曲调 调 高一点,看听起来是否好些。
Marcus : This ! The comb and tissue paper . Stand back I 'm going to tune this baby up .
马卡斯:这个,梳子和纸巾。退后,我要 演奏它。
I could hear the sound of a band tuning up .
我能听到乐队 调音的声音。
On some drives shock sensors used for detection even light vibrations and signals from such sensors help VCM controller tune up heads movements .
在某些驱动器休克甚至光检测与震动传感器等传感器的信号用于帮助氯乙烯控制器 调 好头运动。
At this point many students just tune out or get caught up in an internal dialogue trying translate a specific word .
出现这种情况,许多学生是因为 走神 了,或者正在脑子想着某个词的意思。
Centering around the Secular Divinity Belief and taking the local music material as the main tune it sets up a unique local belief system .
总之,杠天神仪式音乐是豫南皖西民间信仰体系中的重要组成部分,它以俗神信仰为核心,以当地的音乐素材为主要 音 声,构建 了一个独特的地方性信仰系统。
Fact you know how to tune up a truck .
你竟然知道怎么 调 校车子。
Picking up a book is a great way to entertain yourself and also tune up your reading skills .
拿本书来看是你娱乐自身的好方法,同时还 可以 提高你的阅读技巧。
This paper introduces a new method that aims to obtain the initial control MAP of electrically controled motorcycle gasoline engine and uses the on line tune up system to optimize the MAP .
本文介绍了一种获得电控摩托车汽油机初始MAP图和利用在线 修改系统对其进行优化的新方法。
Experimental Research on Internal Combustion Engine Optimal Tune & Up Optimization of the Cellulase Fermentation Media by the Quadratic Rotary Combination Design
多因素回归旋转设计在内燃机试验中的应用正交旋转回归试验 优化纤维素酶发酵培养基
Venturing to other land than that which has been afflicted in your region may be useful to tune up and pull yourself out of this experience .
到其它地方去,而不是在你所在地区被影响,将会有助于 调音并把你自己拉出这一经历。
Podcasts : Tune in and catch up with IBM technical experts .
技术讲座: 收听并保持与IBM技术专家的同步。
After the overture the orchestra stopped to tune up again .
演奏完序曲之后,乐队停下来又 调了 调音。
Free software upgrading hardware replacement performance tune up and other relevant services are provided during the warrantee period .
在保修期内,本公司提供免费软件升级、硬件更换、性能 优化 调试及其他相关服务。
Ignition advance angle MAP is obtained by calculating ignition model . The MAP is optimized by on line tune up system in the bench test .
根据点火模型确定点火提前角MAP图,并在台架实验中采用在线 修改系统进行优化。
They 're just starting to tune up for the concert tonight .
他们只是在为今晚的音乐会 调音呢。
An auto repair manual can tell how to tune up your car .
汽车维修手册可以告诉你怎么 修复你的车子。
Although I feel it is more likely this eclipse will point to someone else there is a possibility that you might need a tune up and decide to see a doctor to have a procedure done .
虽然我觉得这次的月食更可能指向的是其他人,但仍存在这样的可能性使你需要去看医生做一些检查与 调适。
In practice the needle-based purgative to diarrhea gas reuse under the law combined with rubbing method repeatedly implemented to Fu Qi and tune up .
在手法上,针刺下法以泻为主,重用气下之法,结合搓法,反复施行,至腑气通 调 为止。
The clear pure light of the morning made me long for the truth in my heart which alone could make me pure and clear as the morning tune me up to the concert-pitch of the nature around me .
早晨的纯洁之光,使我的心渴慕真理,惟有这种仰望真理之心,能使我纯洁如早晨, 使我和周围的自然交响乐和谐合拍 起来。
The basic tune is made up of similar structure of the sound and words .
基本 曲调 是 由结构相似、结音相同的上下句组成。
High strength aluminium material height can tune up .
高强度铝合金型材,高度可 调节。
When I got there the bouncer was just about to tune him up .
当我到那时围事们正打算 让他 闭嘴。
美[tun ʌp]英[tju:n ʌp]