


  • Methods : The methods were applied antibacterial in vivo and in vitro vaginal trichomoniasis resistant in vitro itch threshold of guinea pigs caused by histamine rats and mouse inflammation caused by albumen and dimethylbenzene .

    方法:采用体内、外抗菌法、体外抗阴道 滴虫法、豚鼠组胺致痒阈法、大鼠和小鼠蛋清及二甲苯致炎法。

  • The multi-center clinical study of the efficacy of ornidazole against acute anaerobic infections and vaginalis trichomoniasis

    奥硝唑片治疗急性厌氧菌感染性疾病及阴道 滴虫病的临床试验

  • In the detectable rate of vulvovaginal candidiasis of various STD condyloma acuminatum was the highest ( 72.31 % ) trichomoniasis ( 26.53 % ) and bacterial vaginosis ( 19.05 % ) were the lowest .

    各种性病阴道念珠菌检出率以尖锐湿疣最高(72.31%), 滴虫病、细菌性阴道病最低(26.53%、19.05%)。

  • Result : The detected rate of candidiasis non gonococcal cervicitis and bacterial vaginosis was 25.44 % 20.79 % and 13.50 % respectively . Vulvar eczema and trichomoniasis vaginitis were also found more frequently .

    结果:在452例入选患者中,外阴阴道念珠菌病、非淋菌性宫颈炎和细菌性阴道病分别占25.44%、20.79%和13.50%,外阴湿疹、 滴虫性阴道炎和外阴瘙痒症也较多见。

  • Lactobacillus vaginal trichomoniasis vaginitis Capsule Clinical observation

    乳酸菌阴道胶囊治疗 滴虫性阴道炎的临床观察

  • Standard teaching is that trichomoniasis is an important cause of vaginitis in women but that male sexual partners experience little or no morbidity .

    一般都认为 阴道 滴虫病是女性阴道炎的重要病因,男性性伴很少发病或不发病。

  • The prevalence of chlamydia infection decreased from 27.5 % to 5.9 % and trichomoniasis from 3.4 % to 1 % after the interventions .

    衣原体和 滴虫感染检出率从干预前27.5%和3.4%,下降到干预后5.9%和1.0%。

  • Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted disease an estimated 170 million persons are infected with Trichomonas vaginalis worldwide .

    阴道 滴虫病是一种性传播疾病,据估计,全世界感染者达1.7亿人之多。

  • 40 percent in urethritis were infected for trichomoniasis .

    尿道炎患者中40%的人感染 滴虫说明 两者 关系 密切

  • Nationally the most common STDs are the human papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer chlamydia and genital herpes or trichomoniasis .

    全国范围内,最常见的性传播疾病是人乳头瘤病毒(可以引起宫颈癌),衣原体和生殖器疱疹或 滴虫

  • Objective : To observe Trichomonas vaginalis ( T.vaginalis ) adhering to and phagocytizing male genitourinary epithelial cells in order to study the pathogenetic mechanism of male trichomoniasis .

    前言:目的:观察阴道毛滴虫对男性泌尿生殖道上皮细胞的粘附与吞噬,探讨男性 滴虫病的致病机制。

  • Trichomonas vaginalis ( causes vaginal trichomoniasis )

    阴道毛滴虫(造成阴道 滴虫病

  • Trichomoniasis is an important sexually transmitted disease that is associated with increased perinatal morbidity and increased HIV transmission .

    阴道 滴虫病是一重要的性传播疾病,它与产期发病及人免疫缺陷病毒感染增加密切相关。

  • Trichomonas vaginalis is a parasite that can cause an painful infection Trichomoniasis in both men and women .

    阴道毛滴虫是能够感染男女两性的寄生虫, 感染者会 滴虫病,十分痛苦。

  • Newborns of a mother infected with trichomoniasis run the risk of blindness unless treated immediately after birth .

    除非在出生后立即得到治疗,感染 滴虫病的母亲生产的新生儿有致盲的危险。

  • AIM : To test and verify the therapeutic effect of mandelic acid suppOsitory in treating vaginal trichomoniasis .

    目的:验证扁桃酸栓治疗阴道 滴虫病的疗效。

  • Bacterial vaginosis candidiasis and trichomoniasis are the three vaginal disorders occurring most frequently worldwide .

    细菌性阴道炎,念珠菌,及 阴道 滴虫是三种最常见的阴道问题。

  • Conclusion : Ornidazole is an effective and safe drug for treating acute anaerobic infections and vaginalis trichomoniasis the adverse reaction rate is less compared with tinidazole .

    奥硝唑和替硝唑的不良反应发生率 分别11.5%28.3% P<0.05 。结论:奥硝唑片治疗急性厌氧菌感染和 滴虫 阴道炎安全有效,不良反应少,优于 同类药物替硝唑。

  • 448 million new infections of curable sexually transmitted ( syphilis gonorrhoea chlamydia and trichomoniasis ) infections occur yearly .

    每年新发4.48亿例可治愈的性传播感染(梅毒、淋病、衣原体和 滴虫)。