
[ˈtrɪtiəm, ˈtrɪʃi-][ˈtrɪtiəm]


  • The calibration method has been applied to the liquid scintillation measurements of tritium radioactivity in water samples with satisfactory results .

    采用外标准校正法适合于 大批样品的测量。

  • Tritium Distributing in Stainless Steel Determined by Chemical Etching

    化学蚀刻法测定 在不锈钢材料中的分布

  • Every fusion reaction devours exactly one tritium ion and produces exactly one neutron .

    每一个聚变反应会耗一个 氚核并只产生一个中子。

  • And low - ( or no - ) light reading is no problem thanks to self-powered tritium hands and markers .

    和低(或无),光读书是没有问题的,这要感谢自供电的手和 标记。

  • These information is based on my own practices and Research on tritium and I feel sorry that I cannot write chinese .

    这些信息是来源于我自己的一些在 方面的工作和研究,此外为无法输入中文表示歉意。

  • Electrical properties of PN junction devices under tritium irradiation

    PN结型器件在 辐照下电输出性能

  • But because of this very low level tritium getting into the ground water and migrating it shut the laboratory down .

    但是由于这个非常低标准的 ,进入到地下水里,迁移了水,关闭了实验室。

  • We 've seen some recent evidence of groundwater contamination namely in the tritium case .

    我们已经看到地下水污染最近的证据,也就是在 的情况中。

  • Preparation of cholesterol and its oxide labeled with tritium

    标记胆固醇及其氧化 衍生物的制备

  • The difference in their DNA synthesis inhibition rate and radiosensitivity were expressed by tritium incorporation method .


  • The diffusivity and permeability of tritium and hydrogen through 316 stainless steel are summarized .

    总结了 和氢在316L不锈钢中的扩散系数和渗透率。

  • The distribution characteristics of tritium in natural water in the area of Qinghai Lake is presented .

    本文报道了青海湖地区天然水中 的分布及其变化。

  • The brightness of the tritium lamp was also tested .

    对制作的 灯进行了光亮度测试。

  • Preparation of Al-Cr-O tritium barrier by double glow plasma technology

    双层辉光离子渗金属技术制备Al-Cr-O阻 渗透涂层

  • Tritium / tritium oxide in air monitor

    空气中 和氚水监测器

  • Inside the blanket channels of lithium a soft highly reactive metal would capture energetic neutrons to make helium and tritium .

    在再生区的管道里,一种柔软的、高度活泼的金属锂会俘获高能中子从而产生 和氦。

  • The Tritium illuminates the aiming point in total darkness and the fiber-optic self-adjusts reticle brightness during daylight according to ambient light conditions .


  • The fusion of deuterium and tritium into helium in this way releases energy & enough of it in theory both to power the reactor and to yield a surplus that can be converted into electricity .

    氘和 按照这种方式聚合成氦的 过程中将释放出大量能量,理论上,这些能量不仅能启动反应堆,而且,其多余的能量可以转换成电能。

  • Application of Tritium Penetration Rate in the Evaluation of the Excised Skin Barrier Function


  • Source and Effect of Tritium From Indirect Closed Brayton Cycle With High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor

    高温气冷堆闭式布雷顿间接循环中 的来源及其影响

  • Study on comparision of model for estimation of concentration of tritium in wheat from long-term atmospheric releases of tritium

    氚长期大气释放后小麦中 浓度预测模型的比较研究

  • The Energy Secretary hopes to bring on line a safer new tritium production reactor

    能源大臣希望能投产一座更安全的新型 反应堆。

  • More reactive are the heavier isotopes of hydrogen deuterium and tritium .


  • The effect of thickness and humidity on the permeability of tritium in rubber and plastics

    厚度和湿度对 在一些橡胶和塑料中的渗透率的影响

  • The fuel will be made from two heavy forms of hydrogen called deuterium and tritium .


  • Estimation of groundwater renewal rate by tritium in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains

    利用 估算太行山前地下水更新速率

  • Determination of tritium activity concentration - liquid scintillation counting method


  • In this paper the tritium external standard calibration method was used for the correction of quenching effect .

    淬灭校正的方法有 很多标准校正法是一种比较可靠的方法。

  • If he had more than a drop of tritium he could have destroyed the city .

    倘若再增加一点 ,整个城市就要被他毁了。

  • An infrared furnace ( ULVAC RHL-410P ) was newly applied to the extraction of tritium from concrete samples .

    使用红外炉发展了一种从活化混凝土中提取 的方法。