

[医] 小管,细管

  • The morphological effects of ofloxacin and gentamicin on Corti 's and vestibular organs of the guinea pig were observed and compared after the drugs were topically applied repeatedly to the middle car by tubulus implanted in tympanum .

    本研究采用鼓室 ,于 正常豚鼠中耳局部连续应用 氟嗪酸及庆大霉素溶液后,观察并比较了 药液对内耳Corti s器及前庭终器的组织学影响。

  • Conclusion Type 2 diabetes mellitus had approximal damage of tubulus renalis when urine albumin is still within normal range when at micro-albuminuria urine the kidney injury involves primarily the renal glomerulus .

    结论2型糖尿病在尿白蛋白尚在正常范围时已有近端肾小管受损,在微量 白蛋白尿时肾损害以肾小球受损为主。