


  • It is a trite simile to compare her teeth to pearls .

    把她的牙齿比做珍珠是 陈腐的比喻。

  • For example instead of opening your letter with some such trite worn-out statement as I saw your advertisement in today 's paper plan your first sentence to arouse interest at once .

    例如,信开头不写“我在今天的报纸上看到你们的广告”等 陈词 俗套 开头,设计一下开头的句子,立即引起注意。

  • Trite comments such as squeeze the toothpaste betray a real lack of thought .

    诸如挤牙膏之类的 老生常谈确实是欠缺考虑的。

  • I 'm constantly amazed by the difficulty of following this principle which seems the most obvious the most trite the most stale .

    遵守这一原则具有的困难性会让我时不时地感到惊讶。这 原则 似乎看上 明显、 平淡、陈旧不过了。

  • It can be very hard to tell someone you love them without sounding trite .

    很难对一个人说你爱他而 话语 上去 觉得 俗气

  • Not all viral content is trite and shallow .

    不是所有病毒式内容都 陈腐而肤浅。

  • Your alibi is pretty trite .

    你的 托辞实在不怎么 新鲜

  • It sounds so trite so Norman Vincent Peale but my goodness this works .

    这听起来是如此 陈腐,和诺曼。

  • This observation would seem so trite as to need no further explanation .

    这一点似乎是 老生常谈,无需赘述。

  • His meticulous observations of family life can seem trite in comparison with the events soon to come .

    他所小心翼翼观测 描绘 那些家庭生活,与即将来临的事件相比 显得 索然无味

  • The simple concepts he had been taught now sounded trite and naive .

    他曾经被教导的简单观念如今听起来 陈腐而幼稚。

  • My speech seemed lively and interesting as I was writing it but it came out trite dull and ridiculous .

    当我在写演讲稿时它似乎显得生动有趣,但是到头来 变得 平淡、无趣和可笑。

  • The trite objects of human efforts possessions outward success luxury have always seemed to me contemptible .

    那些向来为 世人 竞相 追求的目标财产、奢华和外在的成功我对此不屑一顾。

  • I suppose it 's a trite observation that very often psychologists study the sort of phenomena that they personally find intriguing or interesting .

    这么 或许是 老生常谈:心理学家往往会研究那些令他们本人感到好奇或者有趣的现象。

  • Yes it might be trite but it is true .

    好吧,这或许很 老套,但这是事实。

  • The heading is trite .

    标题 陈旧

  • That was true no matter how trite it sounded .

    这种话听起来像是 陈词滥调不过,这是真话。

  • I know it 's trite to say it but it 's so easy to get off the path to a good plan if you don 't have the goals clearly defined up front .

    我知道这样 老套,但如果您还没有清晰地定义前方的目标,那么可以非常轻松地开辟出通往一项良好计划的道路。

  • Repeated too often ; trite or hackneyed .

    陈腐的重复太多的; 陈词或滥调的。

  • A trite or obvious remark . ideas that are presentable in simple language


  • The movie is teeming with obvious and trite ideas

    这部电影充斥着平铺直叙的 陈腐观点

  • The story is described as beautifully written but concerned with the trite theme of adolescent loneliness .

    人们认为这本小说写得很美,但内容 却是有关青春寂 的这个 老一套的主题。

  • The result is the development of Chinese painting to a extreme or self-proclaimed conservative stick to trite ;

    其结果是将大陆画的发展推向一个极端,要么保守自封,坚守 陈腐

  • Drearily commonplace and often predictable ; trite . Keiner made verses too but very indifferently .

    平庸的,陈腐的令人沮丧的且常为可预见的平庸 陈腐;平庸陈腐的凯默也做诗,但很平庸。

  • Well Americans do often use this trite greeting and they generally expect nothing but the standard answer .

    其实美国人的确常用这 老套的问候方式,而他们所期待的,也只是一般的标准回答。

  • I 've always thought white clothes for Winter collections were trite and cliche but these feel so pure and ethereal in a modern-clothing way .

    我以前一直觉得白色的衣服对于冬季系列来说太 陈腐,但上面这些却让人感觉很纯洁和空灵轻盈,走时尚成衣的路。

  • Whatever you do don 't worry about it looking trite : if it looks cool and is factually correct use it .

    无论你做什么,不要担心它看上去 陈旧:如果它看上去很酷而且事实正确,那就使用它。

  • It was spiritual but it wasn 't trite .

    但是她 他是精神上的, 不是 俗套

  • The sentiments about love and peace in the lyrics of his songs are too trite for me to take them seriously .

    他的抒情歌里所表达的爱与和平的情感对我来说太 陈腐了,不能当真。