


  • The Triunity with being time and absence as its guides is to redefine legal concept legal relation and legal rule furthermore to analyze positive law by presenting the example of construction of right .

    事物的存在、时间和虚无为先导的 ,将重塑法律概念、法律关系和法律规则,并以权利的构造为例解析实在法。

  • Information storage technology together with information processing and information transmission technology are called three wings of the digital technology which build a triunity with no absence each other .

    信息存储技术与信息处理和信息传输技术一道被称为数字技术的三 翅膀, 三位一体,缺一不可;

  • Objective To evaluate the effect of model of triunity speech training in promoting speech development of children with cleft palate .

    目的:评价 家庭语音训练模式对 腭裂术后患者语音 康复的干预效果。

  • The construction of the cleft palate children with triunity speech training model

    腭裂儿童 三位一体语音训练模式的构建

  • Construction a Triunity of Nursing Teachers ' Training Pattern with Teaching Clinics and Research

    构建教学、临床、科研 三位一体的护理师资培训模式