


  • Meanwhile foot tumefaction and the level of prostaglandin E2 in ankle arthritis were observed .

    测量 肿胀程度及 小腿(踝)关节组织中前列腺素E2含量。

  • The incidence of tumefaction of the spleen was increased with the degree of liver fibrosis .

    脾脏 肿大发生率随肝纤维化程度加重而增加。

  • Analysis on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Body Surface Tumefaction Lymph Nodes

    体表 肿大淋巴结针吸细胞学分析

  • Spleens slight tumefaction dark red cut sections and obscure structure ;

    脾稍 肿大,切面呈暗红色,结构模糊;

  • It could effectively control the primary acute inflammatory tumefaction of great rat with adjuvant arthritis in a week ( P < 0.01 ) and relieve the secondary polyarthritis ( P < 0.01 ) .

    有效控制佐剂性关节炎大鼠1周内原发部位的急性炎性 肿胀(P<0.01),并减轻其续发的多发性关节炎(P<0.01)。

  • The carrageening-induced tumefaction in toes experiment : ① control group : gastric perfusion of saline ;

    大鼠足趾角叉菜胶 肿胀实验分为:①对照组:生理盐水灌胃。

  • It was tumefaction of skin and cells of the stratum spinosum of skin mucosa of pigs inoculated .

    病猪组织病理变化主要表现在皮肤和皮肤粘膜的棘层细胞 肿大,随着病程发展,肿大的棘细胞发生溶解性坏死和直至完全溶解。

  • The result showed that Chuangyangling had the obvious inhibiting effect to the ear tumefaction of mice caused by croton oil and the cotton granuloma of rats .

    结果表明:疮疡灵对巴豆油所致的小鼠耳 肿胀和大鼠棉球肉芽肿有明显抑制作用;

  • Cases with hepatic dysfunction and tumefaction 7.4 % ;

    肝功能异常伴肝脏 肿大 8例,占7.4%。

  • There was eyelid tumor in 2 cases soft tissue tumefaction in adjacent maxillary region of nose back in 3 cases and local bone absorption in 2 cases .

    其中 眼睑肿物2例,相邻鼻背、颌面部 皮肤软组织 肿胀3例,局部骨质吸收2例。

  • Methods : The effect of Songfu Jindan wine on rats with adjuvant arthritis and the formaldehyde-causing tumefaction of rats toes .

    方法:观察宋府金丹酒对大鼠佐剂性关节炎和甲醛致炎大鼠足跖 肿胀的影响。

  • Rhinorrhea sneezing skin rash and tumefaction of tonsil or lymph nodes were rare ( the rates were 3.4 % 2.5 % 0.9 % and 0.3 % respectively ) .

    流涕(3.4%)、打喷嚏、皮疹、扁桃体及淋巴结 肿大少见(2.5%,0.9%和0.3%)。

  • METHODS Auricle tumefaction induced by dimethylbenzene in mice tumefaction in feet by carrageenan and granuloma induced by cotton ball implantation in rats were applied for anti-inflammation experiment . The contents of PGE_ 2 and MDA in rat paw were measured .

    方法通过小鼠耳 肿胀、大鼠角叉菜胶足跖肿胀、大鼠棉球肉芽肿等实验模型观察其抗炎作用,并测定大鼠足爪中前列腺素E2(PGE2)、丙二醛(MDA)的含量。

  • Spleen tumefaction was found in 939 cases ( 79.8 % );

    脾脏 肿大939例(79.8%);

  • Methods : The models of passive skin irritability of rats caused by antiserum and ear tumefaction of mice caused by dimethylbenzene xylene were employed .

    方法:用抗血清致大鼠被动皮肤过敏、二甲苯致小鼠耳 肿胀动物模型和方法。

  • Cases with increased TBIL or DBIL and decreased ALB hepatic tumefaction recovered within 2 weeks .

    合并TBIL或DBIL升高及ALB降低、肝脏 肿大 ,全部于2周内恢复正常。

  • Methods : Feet tumefaction induced by pale blue and auricle tumefaction induced by dimethylbenzene in mice were used in anti-inflammation experiment .

    方法:分别采用蛋清致大鼠足跖 肿胀法,二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀法观察抗炎作用。

  • Auricle tumefaction was applied to observe the degree of tumefaction in auricle induced by dimethylbenzene in mice .

    应用小鼠耳 肿胀 观察小鼠耳肿程度。

  • And obvious tumefaction of soft tissues .

    软组织明显 肿胀

  • It show that Xinxiang granules have protective function to rats of passive skin irritability can retrain ear tumefaction of mice and have good Anti-imflammatory effect .

    辛香颗粒对被动皮肤过敏大鼠有明显保护作用,能明显抑制小鼠耳 肿胀,具有较好的抗炎作用。

  • Symptoms such as hepatocyte tumefaction grain denaturalization vacuolation focal necrosis hepatocyte splinter cell plasm escape karyon pyknosis and cataclasm were observed on the pathological histological section .

    病理组织切片检查发现肝脏细胞 肿大,颗粒变性和空泡变性、坏死,形成大小不一的坏死灶,肝细胞破裂,胞浆外逸,细胞核浓缩与碎裂。

  • Methods Rat torsion and ear tumefaction were used to compare the analgesic and anti-inflammation effect between Rutin and its rare earth complexes .

    方法采用小鼠扭体法和耳壳 肿胀 对芦丁与稀土元素配位前后镇痛与抗炎作用进行比较。

  • The factors influencing genetic transformation of somatic embryos of soybean mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaction were studied .

    球形期的大豆体细胞胚为 转基因 受体,以 抗性体细胞胚筛选 为转化 指标,用农杆菌介导 进行遗传转化,对转化的 最佳条件进行了初步研究。

  • 41 Diffuse tumefaction of the brain were found .

    弥漫性脑 肿胀41例。

  • The Clinical Study on the treatment of severe hardening tumefaction of premature Infant with ultramicro-heparin plus thyroxin

    超微量肝素加甲状腺素治疗早产儿重度 硬肿症的临床研究

  • Tumefaction of paraspinal soft tissue was seen in 8 cases of which extradural space was involved in 2 . Obviously abnormal enhancement of the diseased discs adjacent vertebral bodies and paraspinal soft tissue after Gd DTPA injection was found in 5 cases .

    有8例椎旁软组织 肿胀,其中2例累及硬膜外间隙。5例GDDTPA增强扫描病变椎间盘及邻近椎体、椎旁软组织明显异常强化。

  • Results : Fufang Nanglixiao Capsule could reduce the degree of tumefaction in auricle the weight of granuloma and the times of torsion reinforce the pain threshold .

    结果:复方囊立消胶囊使二甲苯所致小鼠耳廓 肿胀程度减轻,降低 鼠体内棉球肉芽肿的干重,提高痛阈值。

  • RESULTS : Bikang wine could remarkably restrain the acute inflammatory reaction of foot metatarsus tumefaction caused by carrageenan in rats and the restraining rate ( 43.7 % ) had no difference as compared with that of prednisone acetate group ( 40.1 % ) .

    结果:痹康酒能显著抑制角叉菜胶所致大鼠足跖 肿胀的急性炎症,抑制率43.7%与醋酸泼尼松组(40.1%)无差异。

  • Method : The bone density of rat the auricular tumefaction and the frequency of twist of mouse were observed .

    方法:给予模型 动物 复元 胶囊 口服后, 测定 复元 胶囊对大鼠骨密度、对小鼠耳廓 肿胀和疼痛扭体次数的影响。

  • Gastric and intestinal mucosa flushing tumefaction gastric fundus hyperemia and hemorrhage ;

    胃、肠黏膜潮红、 肿胀,胃壁充血、出血;