




  • White furry-bodied European moth with a yellow tail tuft .


  • He had a small tuft of hair on his chin .

    他下巴上有 一小撮 胡须

  • Large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves ; widely cultivated .

    大的、肉质甜美的热带水果,末端有一 硬叶;人工栽培比较普遍。

  • He was alone when we met him ; she is alone much of the time ; the lone skier on the mountain ; a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel ; a lonely soul ; a solitary traveler .

    我们碰到他时他独自一人;她有很多独处的时间;山上孤独的滑雪人;一个孤单的渔夫站在碎石 丛中;孤独的灵魂;孤独的旅者。

  • He may pitch on some tuft of lilacs over a river .

    他可以到小河边去采摘 丁香花。

  • The crackle of the jade lets tuft split .

    玉的裂纹 裂。

  • Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead they could see a curiously shaped cut like a bolt of lightning .

    在他前额一 漆黑的头发底下他们看到一道形状奇特的疤痕,好像一道闪电似的。

  • If change a suit sportswear again wear a peaked cap both hands is inclined insert in the pocket leave tuft bang wow true cruel !

    若再换上一身休闲服,戴上一顶鸭舌帽,双手斜插在口袋里,留下 刘海,哇,真酷!

  • A crown is the tuft of leaves at the top of the pineapple you dork .

    王冠就是菠萝顶部的 叶子, 傻子。

  • The little King Penguin had already grown majestic black and white feathers on his wings and stomach . But instead of a golden crest on his head sat a tuft of downy brown fluff .

    这只小帝企鹅的翅膀和腹部已经长出了黑白相间的羽毛,但是与成年企鹅头上的金冠(金黄色的羽毛)不同,他的头顶上 却是 毛茸茸的棕色绒毛。

  • Indian macaque with a bonnet-like tuft of hair .

    有形如帽子样 毛的印度猕猴。

  • Inside just visible was a baby boy fast asleep . Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead they could see a curiously shaped cut like a bolt of lightning .

    他们看见毛毯里裹着一个男婴,睡得正香。孩子前额上一 乌黑的头发下边有一 刀伤,伤口形状很奇怪,像一道闪电。

  • Tuft - or mat-forming dwarf perennial of arctic regions of western and central Europe and North America .

    欧洲西部和中部以及北美的北极地区的 丛生低矮多年生植物。

  • The Lenten rose is not really a rose at all but it 's flower shape reminds us of a single petaled rose with a tuft of dense short stamens in the center .

    四旬期玫瑰不根本不是真正的玫瑰,但它的花让我们想起在中心有一 密集短花蕊的单瓣玫瑰花。

  • A tuft of hair on such a projection .

    此突起 部分 毛。

  • A tuft of grass atop the wall sways right and left in the wind .

    墙上一 草,风吹两边倒。

  • Porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail .

    尾巴上有一 大的珠状刚毛的豪猪。

  • One tuft was of two colours magenta and brick-red apparently growing on the same root .

    有一 有洋红跟砖红俩颜色,两种颜色的花,显然是从同一个根上长出来。

  • Tuft of strong filaments by which e.g. a mussel makes itself fast to a fixed surface .

    贻贝等用于将自身附着在固定表面上的一 柔韧的丝。

  • Give him a tuft of hair and furry eyebrows .

    再画出它的一 头发和毛茸茸的眉毛。

  • ( biology ) having an ornamental plume or feathery tuft . Effect of Several Treatments on some Character of Bore-cole

    (生物学)有装饰性的羽毛或者羽毛状的 。几种处理对羽衣甘蓝若干性状的影响

  • ( botany ; of certain seeds as of cotton ) having a tuft or tufts of hair .

    (植物学;指例如棉花种子等某些种子)有 或者丛状毛发。

  • A clump or tuft as of growing grass . tufted wiry rush of wide distribution .

    生草丛一丛, ,如一 草广泛分布的一种丛生的、 的灯心草属植物。

  • Tuft of small stiff feathers on the first digit of a bird 's wing .

    小而硬的羽毛,长在鸟翼的第一个 骨节

  • No provided he restores the raised tuft to its original position before the next stroke .

    没有,倘若他在打一杆前恢复了这 原来的位置就不 违反 规则

  • tufts of wool torn from sheep by bushes and brambles .

    被矮丛林与荆棘粘下来的 簇簇羊毛

  • We saw a rabbit on a tuft of grass .

    我们看见在一 草中有一只兔子。

  • Unless you happen to be a tuft of grass .

    除非你是一 草。

  • ( of a bird or animal ) having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head ; often used in combination .

    (指鸟或者动物)头上有一般用来装饰的 或者 凸起 部分;通常用于组合词。