His book is a treasure trove of information about music .
他的书是音乐知识的 宝库。
Somewhere in the BBC archives there is a treasure trove of cricket history for future reference .
在英国广播公司档案馆的一处,有些可供今后参考的 珍贵的板球史料。
The huge treasure trove lay undetected for centuries before it was brought to light earlier this month .
这笔巨大的财宝几个世纪来一直 深 埋 地下,直到这个月初才 重见天日。
It looks like a treasure trove ripe for plundering .
这看上去就像一笔 正待瓜分的无 主 宝藏。
Library a treasure trove of concurrency utility classes .
库,这是一个并发实用工具类的 宝库。
In ancient Arabia Alibaba became rich when he discovered the forty thieves ' secret treasure trove .
在古代阿拉伯,阿里巴巴在发现四十大盗的秘密 宝藏后变成了富人。
And of course the developerWorks SOA and Web services zone offers a treasure trove of Web services information .
当然,developerWorksSOA和Web服务专区提供了一个Web服务信息的 聚宝盆。
Silicon Valley companies sit on a trove of data about our most banal daily pursuits .
硅谷企业掌握了 大量关于我们最平凡日常事务的数据。
Can be a treasure trove of memories !
能有这么一段美好的 回忆!
Two years ago having opened up its treasure trove of data the bank staged a contest called apps for development .
两年前,在开放了它的数据 宝库 之后,世行举办了一场名为“应用程序开发”(appsfordevelopment)的竞赛。
They have been analyzing a trove of facts from tracking sheets dating back to1971 following births marriages death and divorces .
研究人员 对1971年至今的跟踪调查资料进行了分析,其中包括研究对象的出生、婚姻、死亡和离异等信息。
It is a set of integrated tools that contain a treasure trove of facts and transactions about key development processes and that can be mined and analyzed for compliance reporting against standards .
它是一组集成工具,包含了关于关键开发过程的事实和事务的 宝藏,并且可以对于根据标准的法规遵循报告进行挖掘和分析。
A man with a metal detector that 's all in England unearth a treasure trove so valuable that experts still haven 't determined its worth .
在英国,一名男子仅用一个金属探测器出土了一些 无 主宝藏。这些 宝藏非常贵重,专家仍然不能确定其价值。
Street musician is a treasure trove to stop and listen and then give him some money ;
街头音乐家是 宝库,停下来听,然后给他一点钱;
It is a treasure trove of natural resources including coal limestone and granite .
门头沟 有 很 珍贵的自然资源,其中包括石灰石和花岗岩。
Once he did he had access to a trove of information : her favorite bands movies TV shows and recent vacation photos .
互 加 好友后,他 就能 看到 女孩 的 个人信息了:她最喜欢的乐队、电影、电视剧和最近度假的照片。
The when persuaded with burning iron the Leprechaun revealed his treasure trove .
通过一些灼热的铁棍的“劝说”,他告诉了你他的秘密 宝藏 的 地点。
The largest and richest Buddhist treasure trove in the world the Mogao Grottoes have been in use for the longest time .
莫高窟是世界上最大、内容最丰富和使用时间最长的佛教艺术 宝库。
This is why the discovery of a huge new trove of unedited German fairy tales is nothing short of a revelation .
这就是为什么最近 大批未经编辑过的德国童话故事的发现具有巨大的启示性。
The Museed'Orsay houses a treasure trove of paintings and sculptures including many of the finest works of Cezanne Monet and Degas .
奥赛博物馆收藏著如同 宝藏般的油画和雕像,其中包括许多出自塞尚、莫内和艾德加之手的作品。
The dictionary is a vast treasure trove of information
那本词典是个巨大的信息 宝库 。
The Renaissance to create large glamorous exquisite works of art become human art treasure trove of treasure always put a light !
文艺复兴时期创作出的大量富有魅力的精湛艺术作品成为人类艺术 宝库中的瑰宝,永放光芒!
They may even find other planets in the system and if they don 't it 's likely they 'll find other examples of planets orbiting binary stars in Kepler 's treasure trove of data .
他们甚至可能会发现其他行星系统中,如果他们不这样做,很可能他们会发现其他行星轨道开普勒的数据 宝库双星的例子。
Windsor Castle is quite literally an antique treasure trove
温莎城堡确实是名副其实的古物 宝藏 。
Hollywood Leaks claims to have a trove of phone numbers as well as a number of film scripts .
“好莱坞泄密”组织称 他们 持有 大量有 价值的电话号码和许多电影剧本。
For specialists this is a treasure trove of the ancient evidence on necromancy and its related modern scholarship .
专家,这是一个古老的 宝库职掌及其相关证据现代奖学金。
He assembled a rich trove of Chinese porcelain .
他收集了一 批中国瓷器。
This Islington shop is a treasure trove of beautiful bridalwear .
这家位于伊斯 灵顿区的商店里汇聚了各种漂亮的新娘服装。
The society 's archives are a treasure trove for scholars .
该协会的档案对学者来说 简直 是 宝藏。