Truncate file and log output messages to file .
截断 该文件并将输出消息记录到该文件。
Compress pages and then truncate free space from the file
压缩页,然后 截断文件中的可用空间
The downside of this sort of operation is that db4o could accidentally truncate a value .
这种操作的缺点是,db4o可能会意外地 将一个值 截尾。
TRUNCATE table statement This statement quickly deletes the contents of an entire table without firing triggers .
TRUNCATE 表语句此语句无需激活触发器即可快速删除整个表的内容。
The truncate method sets the size of the shared memory in bytes .
TRUNCATED-When the column value exceeds the column width truncate the exceeding characters .
TRUNCATED-当列值超过列的宽度时, 截断超出的字符。
Truncate the transaction log after each checkpoint for all databases .
对于所有数据库,在每个检查点后 截断事务日志。
Calyx adherent to ovary truncate or4-or5 ( or6 ) - denticulate accrescent .
花萼附着的于子房, 截 形或4或5(或6)具小齿,增大。
Each operation on a file handle open read write rewind truncate and close for example affects the state of the file .
文件句柄上的每个操作(例如open、read、write、rewind、 truncate和close)影响文件的状态。
Ensure that you have a valid mixture of data so that query results include real-time insert update delete and truncate actions .
确保您拥有有效的数据组合,使查询结果包含实时、插入、更新、删除和 截断操作。
Truncate all files at the point of the crosslink .
在交叉链接处 截断所有的文件。
The TRUNCATE SQL statement is now supported for fast deletes .
现在支持用于快速删除的 TRUNCATESQL语句。
Could not truncate table ' % . ls ' because there is not enough room in the log to record the deallocation of all the index and data pages .
未能 截断表''%1!'',因为日志中没有足够的空间来记录所有索引和数据页的解除分配。
If the database is suspect you must use the NO_TRUNCATE option for the BACKUP command .
如果数据库是置疑的,你必须使用 带 NO TRUNCATE选项的BACKUP命令。
A truncate leaf ; truncated volcanic mountains ; a truncated pyramid .
被 削平了的树叶;平头的火山;平头的金字塔。
Cannot specify tables to truncate for this template .
不能为该模板指定要 截断的表。
You can achieve this with Audacity using the Truncate silence effect .
这可以利用Audacity的 Truncatesilence效果做到。
Basal leaf blade oblong or elliptic truncate or cuneate at base .
基生叶长圆形或椭圆形, 截 形或楔形在基部。
The blogging tool software may simplify or truncate your title into a more appropriate form for using as a link .
写博客工具软件可能简化或者 将你的标题 截短为一个更合适的形式,以将它用作一个链接。
Truncate a word ; erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains .
String all incoming variables of all unexpected characters and truncate the length to a reasonable limit .
将传入的所有意料之外字符的所有变量都 转换 成字符串,并 将其 截断为合理的限制长度。
In this case you will need to periodically truncate the file since it will grow indefinitely otherwise .
在这种情况下,您将需要定期 截断文件,否则它将会无限增长下去。
If you want to delete all the data in a table but do not want to delete the table itself you can truncate it .
如果要删除表中的所有数据但不删除表本身,则可以 截断该表。
Cannot truncate table ' % . ls ' because it is published for replication .
无法 截断表''%1!'',因为该表已为复制而发布。
You still need to back up and truncate the logs periodically as I discuss later .
您仍然需要周期性地备份或 截断日志,我 将在稍后进行讨论。
The point is that sometimes SQL Server can truncate the log fast enough and other times it can 't.
这中情况说明,SQLSERVER在有些时候能够足够快的 截断日志,而有时候却不能。
For example specify three to truncate the item after the third digit the right of the decimal .
例如,如果指定3, 则表示在小数点右侧第三位后将项 截断。
Truncate insignificant trailing zero when using null scale .
使用空刻度时 截去 多余的零结尾。
Truncate pipe orifice first and then penetrate it through locking nut ;
先把管口 截 平,再穿入锁紧帽;