ZZ contained an unexpected object .
ZZ包含了意外的对象 。
ZZ is not a valid destination folder name . Folder names cannot contain backslashes .
ZZ不是有效的目标文件夹名称 。文件夹名称中不能包含反斜线。
The male plant is homogametic sex and belong to ZZ type .
雄株是同配性别,属 ZZ型 。
Through analysis the competitive position competitive strength and weaknesses of ZZ Branch of China Broadcasting Cable Corporation are visually pointed out .
通过分析,较为形象的指出了公司的市场竞争地位及竞争优势和 劣势 。
These methods have been used in power spectrum of ZZ - 1 fault diagnosis analyzer of rotating machine .
该几项措施已经运用在 ZZ-1旋转机械故障分析仪的功率谱 运算 之中 。
ZZ Has been deleted from the global header list . Would you like to add it back for future use with old and new filters .
ZZ已从全局标题列表中删除 。您想把它添加回去,供旧的和新的过滤器使用吗?
Disk error writing to file ZZ . The disk may be full or possibly damaged .
在写文件 ZZ 时 发生磁盘错误 。可能是磁盘 已满,或磁盘被损坏。
Your new profile will be named ZZ .
您的简要 表将被命名为“ ZZ” 。
Facial hair can be fashionable but it 's probably best for men not to rock the ZZ Top look .
胡子会很时尚,但是男人最好不要留 Z 字形 胡须 。
The profile ' ZZ ' requires a password . Enter your password to login into your Roaming Access Profile and retrieve your profile information .
简要 表 'ZZ'需要口令 。输入口令,才能注册到“漫游访问简要表”,并检索简要表信息。
ZZ This file already exists . Replace existing file ?
ZZ此文件已经存在 。替换现有的文件吗?
The profile ' ZZ ' requires a password . Enter your password to continue .
简要 表 'ZZ'需要口令 。请输入口令, 然后继续。
OK See you this afternoon Miss ZZ .
恩,好的,那 ZZ小姐下午见 。
Competing as an overage player ZZ helped his side to the quarter-finals before a penalty shoot-out defeat against Iran .
说郑智作为超龄球员,帮助 中国 国奥一 路 过关 斩将,直到惜败伊朗 。
It introduced briefly the functions of ZZ pocket-computer and explaines the interface program between the pocket-conputer and the Electro-sale management system .
简介了 ZZ掌上电脑的功能,并对掌上电脑与用电营销管理系统的接口程序作了阐述 。
The fourth part introduces the development of real estate development projects ZZ programs and projects for the real estate investment and sales forecasting analysis .
第四部分介绍了 ZZ房地产项目的开发方案,并针对该项目的投资和楼盘销售情况进行预测分析 。
ZZ : My only goal was don 't let him down .
当时我唯一的目标就是 演 好 这个 角色,不能让 李安 导演失望 。
This paper presents a new 2-3 tree insertion algorithm ZZ .
本文给出一个新的2-3树插入算法 ZZ。
A sharing violation occurred while accessing zz .
在访问 zz时发生了共享违例 错误 。
Two contradictory cases of algorithm Z are given and the correctness of algorithm ZZ is shown in this paper .
然后,本文给出算法Z的两个 反例,并对算法 ZZ的正确性 加以证明 。
We didn 't find ZZ top here .
我们没有找到 案件 的 主谋 。
An unexpected error occurred while reading ZZ .
在读取 ZZ时发生了一个意外的错误 。
Pig after the trial division at different stages of the use of immune ZZ attack isolates from drug testing can find a protective antibody level of force .
对试验猪分组后,在不同的免疫阶段利用 ZZ分离株进行攻毒试验,寻找可以具有保护力的抗体水平 。
The type of sex chromosomes of beet armyworm is ZZ for males and ZW for females . The sex chromosome is No. 3 .
性染色体类型为雄虫 ZZ型,雌虫ZW型 ,性染色体为3号染色体。
ZZ : Ya I still have the dream .
对, 时至 今日,我依然怀有这个梦想 。
Conclusion : The calibration factors can be applied to clinical determination of photoisomers of ZZ .
结论:校正因子为临床定量分析 ZZ光异构体提供客观依据 。
Please enter your password to retrieve preferences from the directory server ZZ .
请输入从目录服务器 ZZ检索首选项 信息 所需的口令 。
Zz : Zoe the zebra zigzags in the zoo .
斑马 佐伊在动物园里做曲折的样子 。
An attempt was made to write to the reading ZZ .
试图对正在 执行读 操作 的 ZZ进行写 。
[医] 姜