




  • From this interface you can scroll zoom and rotate the image .

    从这个界面,您可以滚动, 缩放和旋转的形象。

  • The zoom factor should be a number between 15 and 1000 .


  • The zoom range for the database must be between % 1 and 1000 .

    数据库的 缩放范围必须介于%1和1000之间。

  • The quality of photos taken is really impressive with the auto focus and digital zoom .

    质量的照片,确实是令人印象深刻的自动对焦和数码 变焦

  • Zoom : Oh I need a new ruler and a calculator .


  • To see the current document in full-page view click the Page Zoom Full button .

    要完整显示当前文件,请按“全屏 显示”按钮。 PRHASES

  • We zoomed through the gallery

    我们 飞快 穿过画廊。

  • You can also zoom a region of the graph by highlighting that region with the mouse .

    也可以使用鼠标突出显示关系图中的某个区域,来 缩放该区域。

  • This provides a set of pixel coordinates corresponding to what the new zoom level should be .

    这会提供一组对应于新 缩放级的坐标像素。

  • The system is composed of a zoom system a secondary imaging system and two reflectors .

    该系统由 变焦 物镜系统、二次成像系统和两个反射镜构成。

  • The economy shrank and inflation zoomed

    经济萎缩,通货膨胀 加剧

  • Zoom : I like chicken and eggs .

    我喜欢 鸡肉和鸡蛋。

  • There are flash features and digital zoom that will produce high quality photos .

    有闪光功能和数码 变焦,将生产出高质量的照片。

  • Let me tell you about my Zoom Whitening experience .

    让我告诉你对我的 缩小美白经验。

  • You can zoom in and out on the process .

    可以在流程上进行 缩小 放大

  • This evening we zoom in on Vega and its small but distinctive constellation Lyra the Harp .

    今晚,我们来 放大 观察织女星和她的小而独特的星座,天琴座的竖琴。

  • Use the comma and period button as necessary to zoom and in out if you need .

    使用逗号和必要期间按钮来 放大和指出,如果你需要。

  • You can rotate the chart and zoom in on areas of interest .

    您可以旋转和 缩放图表,在对感兴趣的领域。

  • Now could you ease zoom in on this portion of the photograph ?

    你能 放大照片的这部分吗?

  • Your camcorder should have these basic features : autofocus playback facility zoom lens

    你的便携式摄像机应该具备以下基本功能:自动聚焦、回放功能、 变焦镜头。

  • Sigel shot most of the picture using the15-40mm Angenieux Optimo zoom lens .

    辛老师用15-40mmAngenieux Optimo伸缩变焦镜拍摄了影片的大部分镜头。

  • For all documents displayed in the viewing area you can zoom inand zoom out the view as required .

    对于查看区域中显示的所有文档,可以根据需要 放大和缩小视图。

  • A police car zoomed by very close to them .

    一辆警车从他们 身边 擦身 疾驰

  • Pixels memory optical and digital zoom camera size and cost are all factors to compare .

    像素、存储、光学及数码 变焦相机体积和成本等因素比较。

  • A method for initial zoom system design was proposed .

    介绍了 机械 补偿 连续 变焦系统设计方法;

  • A zoom feature in the Application Diagram view shows subroutines and subprocedures within their source members .

    ApplicationDiagram视图中的 放大特性显示了其源成员中的子程序和子过程。

  • In run mode you can zoom in and out of the contents of the report page .

    在运行模式下,您可 放大和缩小报表页内容。

  • Profits zoomed from nil in 1981 to about 16 million last year .

    利润从1981年的零收益 飙升至去年的1万。

  • Does this camera have optical or digital zoom ?

    这架相机使用的是光学 变焦还是数字 变焦

  • You can zoom in or out or scroll the map to position the track most effectively .

    你可以通过 缩放和卷动星图来观察该轨迹。