zones of different


  • The presence of subduction zones is one of the characteristic tectonic features different from other terrestrial planets .

    俯冲 的存在是地球 区别于其他类地行星的主要构造特征之一。

  • Four factors four levels orthogonal test was carried out to determine the COD decay coefficient used in the model ; the two dimensional model was applied to identify the mixing zones of different project options ;

    COD降解系数 进行四因素四水平的正交试验,为模型参数确定提供参考;

  • 3 not only the vertical water feeding sections are located in symmetric positions of upwarping zones but also the dynamic features of water level in different conditions in Carboniferous and Ordovician limestone have similar relations .

    垂向补给地段不仅位于大青与奥灰呈现对应位置关系的局部隆起 地段,而且具有在 不同情况下,大青与奥灰水位对应关系的水位动态特征。

  • There are various climatic zones and geographical conditions in Mekong river basin the hydrologic features and distribution of water resource vary greatly in different zones .

    湄公河流域内有多种气候 和地理环境,其水文特征和水能资源分布地域 差异极大。

  • Volcanic depressions contemporaneous faults and fissure zones at the top of the subvolcanic bodies control different forms of mineralization .

    火山盆地、同生断裂和潜火山岩体顶部裂隙 控制了 不同形式矿化。

  • It shows that the quantity of air leakage and distribution of air velocity three zones of spontaneous combustion vary largely under condition of different distributions of permeability that is continuous distribution three uniform distribution zones and one even distribution zone .

    结果表明采空区渗透率连续分布条件下的漏风分布与假设分段均匀分布和均匀分布条件下的漏风量、漏风风速分布和自燃三 的位置和宽度有很大的 差别

  • The influencing elements of soil macropore and preferential flow in different vertical zones of Three Gorges are different and so is the capacity for reserving water and regulating runoff .

    长江三峡不同垂直 森林土壤大孔隙及优先流形成的影响因素 不同,其涵养水源和调节径流的能力 差异 显著

  • According to the existing pilot zones ' layout the contents of the reform has distinctive regional characteristics which are quite different compared with previous economic zones .

    从已有的试验 的布局来看,配套改革的内容具有鲜明的区域特色,与以往的经济特区相比有较大的 差异

  • According to the relationship between different sensitive degree of monitoring displacement and quantity of monitoring information the sensitive zones of displacement to the fluctuation of reservoir water level are divided into different degrees by the approach of fuzzy pattern recognition .

    根据 位移的变化对库水变化敏感程度的不同与监测信息量获取大小的关系,采用模糊模式识别方法对三峡库区水库型滑坡位移场 变化 水库水位 变化的敏感程度进行数值分区。

  • The Corresponding Zones of different faults on states space are distinguished and marked with the results of evolution learning and information warehouse of faults .

    利用进化学习结果和系统故障信息库知识区分和标记 不同故障在状态空间上对应的 区域

  • The loss characteristics of soil nutrients in different climate zones showed different patterns . ( 2 ) At the beginning period of the ecological recovery different soil nutrient elements showed different evolution law . As a whole the soil environment had low stability and high volatility .

    在生态治理 过程初期, 不同土壤 养分元素表现出不同的演变规律,总体上,土壤环境稳定性低,波动大,土壤养分具有高度变异的特征,这种变异在一定程度上表现为时间的函数。

  • Because of different genetic mechanisms of reservoirs in different hydrocarbon accumulation zones of carbonate the reservoir space reservoir capability hydrocarbon reservoir type and their distribution are different in general .

    由于不同碳酸盐岩油气聚集 上储集层成因机制不同,导致其储集空间、储集性能、油气藏类型及分布等均 有所 不同

  • But in the different zones and different orientations the thermal insulation and generated energy of photovoltaic window are different .

    但是光伏窗安装在不同 地区、不同朝向表现出来的保温性能和发电量是 不同的。

  • In order to do well the statistic work for the samples in zones of different kinds and grades of ores the interval grade statistic list and statistic histogram were automatically generated by computer for data processing system of sampling design .

    为在采样设计时,做好矿石 不同类型、不同品位 区间样品的统计工作,笔者用采样设计数据处理系统实现了若干区间品位统计表、统计直方图的自动生成。

  • Ore bearing altered rocks obviously are controlled by structure and crack zones of different scale NE and NW crack zones of which are probably migration pathway of hydrothermal ore-forming solution of porphyry .

    含矿蚀变岩明显受 不同级次构造-裂隙 控制,北东向和北西向裂隙带可能是斑岩成矿热液体系的运移通道。

  • Studies on the Effect of HCO_3 ~ - on Distribution of Main Organic Asids in Root Zones and the Relation to Rice Cultivar Adaptation to Zinc Deficiency Physiological Response of Rice Cultivars with Different Zn-deficiency Sensitivity to Bicarbonate

    重碳酸氢根对水稻根 重要有机酸分布的影响与水稻品种耐缺Zn关系的研究 不同耐缺锌水稻对HCO3~-的生理反应

  • The differences in the change characteristic of vegetation cover in the marginal zones of the two deserts with different moisture conditions and the responses of their habitats to climate change are compared .

    通过比较得出 不同干湿条件沙漠边缘 植被覆盖状态变化的差异,以及各自生境对气候变化的响应特征。

  • Furthermore it is found that the integrity degree of coating layer is different at different zones of reaction chamber which is caused by the different concentration and motion state of dissociated gas in various zones .

    在反应室不同的 位置得到包裹程度不同的纳米管,这是腔体中不同区域解离气体的浓度和运动状态 不同引起的。

  • Some experiments were carried out for six ore zones . According to the result of stability analysis of rock mass different support methods were used .

    金川镍矿的工程地质 分成六个岩 ,并进行了岩体力学参数试验工作,针对井巷围岩掘进中变形特点,根据岩体稳定分析,采用 不同支护形式和二次联合支护方法。

  • The results shown that the different zones of butt joints have different fatigue crack propagation rate . The average load welding residual stress and the microstructures influenced the propagating rate of fatigue crack .

    结果表明,焊接接头的不同 部位疲劳裂纹扩展速率 不同,平均应力、焊接残余应力、金相组织对疲劳裂纹的扩展速率都有一定的影响。

  • The neurons distributed in different zones in oculomotor nuclear ( called sub - nuclear ) on basis of their different functions .

    动眼神经核内运动神经元按功能 不同集中分布(形成亚核)。

  • Local people 's governments at or above the county level shall in accordance with the national standards for acoustic environmental quality divide their respective administrative regions into different zones for application of different standards for acoustic environmental quality and exercise control accordingly .

    县级以上地方人民政府根据国家声环境质量标准,划定本行政区域 各类声环境质量标准的适用 区域,并进行管理。

  • The carburizing atmosphere distribution in the mesh-belt furnace without muffle was studied by measuring the main compositions of furnace atmosphere and changes of carbon potential at ten different zones in the furnace and the effects of different factors on the atmosphere distribution were investigated and discussed .

    通过测量网带炉内10个不同 区段的主要炉气成分和碳势变化,研究了无马弗网带炉内的气氛分布规律,分析和探讨了 各种因素对气氛分布的影响。

  • The project works well with the multizone air conditioners to adjust supply air for zones of different requirements .

    该工程中采用的多 分区空调器可以解决上述问题。工程运行情况良好。

  • Urumqi zones of different pm_ ( 10 ) monitor and analysis

    乌鲁木齐市 不同 区域pm(10)的监测与分析

  • The traffic between zones of different customers is assumed to be blocked to implement the traffic segregation .

    不同客户 区域之间的流量会遭到拦截,以实现流量隔离。

  • Use security zones to set different levels of security for different areas of the Web to help protect your computer .

    使用安全 区域,可以为 不同的Web区域设置不同 安全级,有助于保护计算机。

  • The elementary study on distribution of main functional zones of first maxillary molar in different age groups

    不同年龄人群上颌第一磨牙咬合主功能 分布的初步研究