


  • Development of trinary compounded oil - expellent system


  • The derived Wilson and NRTL optimal match parameters are fitting with deductive data of the trinary system presented in this paper the result is fair .

    用Wilson和NRTL的最佳配偶参数得出的数据与本文 体系 测定 文献 进行 比较,吻合良好。

  • The results indicated that the titer and total productivity of avermectin B1 in the trinary fermentation increased by 10 % and 20 % respectively compared with the secondary fermentation under the same conditions .

    在发酵 周期 相同装料相同的情况下, 发酵与二级发酵比较, 发酵 阿维菌素B1的发酵 单位提高10%以上,阿维菌素B1的发酵总 亿提高20%以上。

  • Trinary Tree Structure and Its Implementation


  • The ammunition security is greatly improved when 1 % micro-powder graphite is added into the trinary formulation .


  • Implementation of trinary clipped model with optical single channel system

    单通道实现 Clipped模型的光学 神经 网络系统

  • A Storage Structure for Trinary Tree and the Implementation of Its Basic Operations

    一种 三叉树的存储结构及其基本操作的实现

  • Finally in the thesis an instance in geological field is developed through the method of object-oriented analysis and design and the trinary three spline is implemented in it .

    本文在最后采用面向对象分析与设计方法开发了一个地质方面的应用实例,并将 三三次样条在其中进行应用。

  • Research on the stability corrodibility and disinfection actions of trinary solid stable chlorine dioxide

    固体 稳态ClO2杀菌剂稳定性、腐蚀性及杀菌消毒特性研究

  • Studies of Phase Equilibrium and Rectification of Acetic Acid-Aqua-Methyl Acetate Trinary System

    醋酸-水-醋酸 甲酯 体系的相平衡及精馏研究

  • The essay introduces the source of Yang Xiong 's Trinary System and analyses the reasons why it is difficult to ascertain each number .

    通过对扬雄 进制 由来的揭示,继而论证了各数难以确认的原因;

  • Then we improve the trinary voting test of Bogdanov which can increase the efficiency of collision detection . 6 .

    同时,对Bogdanov的 投票法进行了改进,使碰撞检测的效率大大提高。

  • Surface segregation behavior of low-Z elements e.g. lithium and beryllium on trinary alloy Al-Li-Mg and Binary alloy Cu-Be has been observed .

    实验观察了 合金Al-Li-Mg和二元合金Cu-Be中低Z元素(如Li和Be)的表面偏析行为。

  • The effect of composition on phase and lattice parameters of MI site trinary NZP was studied . The relation be-tween NZP composition and lattice parameter was discussed .

    研究了M1位 NZP陶瓷组成对物相及晶格参数的影响,探讨了对热膨胀有重要作用的组成与晶格参数之间的关系。

  • To take full advantage of the copying ability of broadcast Banyan networks two routing coalescing algorithms are proposed to change the binary addresses of multicasting cells to trinary addresses .

    为了充分发挥广播Banyan网的复制功能,提出了两种将点到多点 传输信元的二进制 目的地址合并为 进制地址的路由合并算法。

  • Generally introduces the operation methods of addition subtraction multiplication and division in trinary system .

    简介了 进制加、减、乘、除的运算法。

  • The relationship between critical threshold of wind velocity for soil erosion soil physical sand content and the soil moisture content can be expressed by a binary regression . The wind erosion modulus was expressed as a trinary quadric regression . 3 .

    将物理性 砂粒含量、土壤含水量和吹蚀风速对风蚀模数的影响进行了三元 非线性回归 尝试

  • The modifiers include : mischmetal antimony RE / Sb combination and trinary sodium salt .

    所用变质剂包括:混合稀土、纯锑、稀土/锑复合变质剂以及 钠盐。

  • Researches on the acute oral heredity and cumulative toxicity of trinary solid stable chlorine dioxide disinfectant

    固体 稳态ClO2急性经口、遗传及蓄积毒性研究

  • The Analysis and Comparison of the Storage Structures for Trinary Tree


  • Trinary tree of judgment and problem of false coin
