tuning core


  • Test results show that the device has a phase noise of-126 dBc / Hz @ 1 MHz offset . The VCO has a tuning range of 9 % and its core circuit dissipates less than 8 mW of power .

    测试结果表明,VCO的相位噪声在偏离中心频率1MHz时达到-126dBc/Hz, 调谐范围达到9%,VCO 核心电路功耗小于8mW。

  • The modern forestry main tuning is to safeguard the ecology security and the social public welfare whose core is to grasp the optimized disposition of forestry resources and reasonably delivers .

    现代林业的 主调是保障生态安全与社会公益; 核心是掌握林业资源的优化配置与合理产出;

  • The control arithmetic and paraments tuning were the core of DCS some control arithmetic were lucubrated in this paper .

    控制算法及其参数 是DCS 核心,论文中分别对单回路控制、串级控制、比值控制、选择控制、前馈控制等进行了较为深入的研究。

  • In general a large number of applications will realize some improvement from tuning in three core areas : the JVM thread pools and connection pools .

    通常而言,许多应用程序都可以通过 调优以下三个 核心区域实现一定程度的性能改进:JVM、线程池和连接池。

  • The PLL often needs large output tuning range to adapt the requirement of wideband communication so the wide band single / multiple core Voltage-Controlled Oscillator ( VCO ) is often adopted .

    锁相环往往需要有较大的输出 频率范围来适应宽带通信的需求,所以锁相环的 核心模块电压控制振荡器一般使用单或多核宽带结构。

  • According to the author field work to collect first-hand information a careful analysis of the chromatic tuning of the music the core tone musical form and structural characteristics .

    根据笔者田野工作搜集的第一手资料,对音乐的音阶 调式核心音调、曲式结构特点进行细致的分析。

  • Restudy on the Orbital Tuning Time Scale of Deep Core in Qaidam Basin

    柴达木盆地深 钻孔轨道 调谐时间标尺的再研究

  • The cutoff wavelength of the fiber can be shifted as desired by tuning the refractive index of the core and the size of the cladding air holes .

    通过改变 折射率的大小和包层中空气孔的大小,可以对光纤的截止波长进行 调节