zero compression

[ˈzɪro kəmˈprɛʃən][ˈziərəu kəmˈpreʃən]


  • To view the data directly make sure the spreadsheet is stored using zero compression from the Gnumeric preferences .

    要想直接查看数据,确保在Gnumeric参数设置中选择 压缩来对电子表格进行存储。

  • In view of color image characteristic the paper improves the zero algorithm in the application of concrete algorithm draws a new algorithm-incomplete scanning method which is applied to color image compression .

    针对彩色图像的特性,对 树算法在具体算法中的应用进行了改进,得出一种新的算法&不完全扫描法,并将该算法应用到彩色图像 压缩中。

  • Three ways were adopted to code run according to the number of zero coefficients in block which improved the compression efficiency .

    算法根据8×8DCT块中的 0系数个数,分3种不同的方式编码run,从而提高了 编码效率。

  • Currently zero tree encoding is a common coding technique of image compression algorithm .

    树编码是当前小波图像 压缩算法中最常用的编码技术。

  • As most coefficients of the sharpening signal are close to zero except very few ones according to the region in which the original signal changes greatly only very few large value coefficients are needed to store and a favourable data compression can be achieved .

    由于锐化信号只在源信号变化梯度大的区域系数值才较大,其他区域都接近 ,只需保存少量的系数,就可以实现数据 压缩

  • Biblock Zero Tree compression Coding ( BZTC ) method based on wavelet Zero Tree compression Coding ( ZTC ) is represented .

    本文提出基于小波零树的对块 压缩编码方法。

  • SOFM arithmetic methodology LBG arithmetic methodology DPCM encoding step by step wavelet zero tree compression etc are common methods applied in the encoding of image at present .

    本文主要探讨了SOFM算法、LBG算法、DPCM分步编码、小波 压缩等较为多见的几种图像编码方法。

  • The number of DCT coefficient which equal to zero will be dramatically changed after compression .

    图像在被 压缩后,其DCT变换中系数为 0的个数会有显著的改变。

  • Practical experiment results indicate that seismic data compression considering the distribution characteristics of their wavelet coefficients and using zero tree quantization coding satisfies the engineering demands of improved compression ratio with minimal distortion .

    从实际处理结果可见,根据数据小波系数分布特点及结合 树量化编码对地震数据压缩可以满足限失真提高 压缩比的工程要求。

  • An important work is to analyze the basic frame of wavelet transformation code and to apply wavelet analytical zero trees code into a specific fingerprint image compression processing in AFIS .

    重点分析了小波变换编码的基本框架,把基于小波分析 树编码 算法具体应用到指纹图像 压缩处理中,解决了AFIS对图像 数据存储和传输的技术难点。

  • Several integer wavelet transforms are compared on marrow cell image energy distribution and their percentage of zero coefficients in every subband for higher performance of marrow cell image lossless compression .

    探讨了各种整数小波变换应用于骨髓细胞图像无损 压缩时的能量特征分布和子带 系数比例分布等,来选取适合骨髓细胞图像的变换形式。

  • As the appearance of flexural shear crack the zero strain point of longitudes gradually moves towards compression zone causing tension-lag in the beam span .

    由于弯剪裂缝的出现,连梁纵筋 应变点不在连梁跨中,而向 受压区方向移动。

  • Zero Filling of Square Block : A Novel Image Compression Coding Algorithm

    方块填充法:一种新的图像 压缩编码算法