zero count

[ˈzɪro kaʊnt][ˈziərəu kaunt]


  • To avoid any division by zero or overflow transform all division into multiplication and check for the sign ( horizontal lines with Y2 = Y1 do not count in the algorithm )

    要避免任何 0相除或溢出,将所有除法转换为乘法并检查运算符号(Y2=Y1的水平线不会 计入算法)

  • However no matter how the ratio of zero count in order to get a good parameter estimation in Hurdle model sufficient sample size is necessary .

    但是,无论资料中 计数比例如何,Hurdle模型要想获得理想的参数估计结果,仍需要有足够的样本含量为前提。

  • Classic zero inflation count data model through to the zero count and the zero count build mixed regression model very good solution to the existing in the data of zero problems too .

    经典的零点膨胀计数数据模型,通过对 计数和非零计数建立混合回归模型,很好地解决数据中存在的过多零的问题。

  • The number of the first sheet is zero ( computers like to count starting with zero instead of one ) .

    第一个工作表的编号是 0(计算机喜欢从0而不是1开始 计数)。

  • That thread prints out the zero loop count value before it terminates .

    该线程将打印 循环 数值然后结束。

  • And also that we know that the zero does not count as a node if per se I actually had managed to hit zero in drawing that so the correct answer would be the bottom one there .

    另外你们要知道 零点不是节点,假设说我确实把零点画成0了,那正确的结果就是底下这个。

  • In this paper a high-precision testing and measuring system of gear transmission error is constructed by using NI virtual instrument theory the precision grating as sensors with time synchronous sampling mode and a zero incremental interpolation count method of sinusoidal pulse .

    本文采用NI的虚拟仪器理论,以高精度的光栅盘为传感器,采用同步定时采样模式,设计正弦脉冲 零值增量 计数插值法,构建一套高精度的齿轮传动误差测试系统。

  • These counters are cleared to their zero count by a logical 1 on their reset line .

    这些柜台清理自己的 零票,由一个逻辑“1”就其复位线。