tubular heat exchanger


  • The Design of Polypropylene Tubular Heat Exchanger and the Measurement of its Heat Transfer Coefficient

    聚丙烯 列管式 的设计和传热系数的测定

  • The connection mode and welding technological process between tube and tube sheet tube sheet and shell of low temperature tubular heat exchanger are discussed .

    探讨了低温 的管子与管板、管板与壳体的连接方式及焊接工艺。

  • The paper uses design method of structured software and the principle of modulation integrates the process design principle and method of tubular heat exchanger .

    针对用于 高温 气体 热的 的设计,提出在传热计算中应考虑热 辐射问题。

  • The paper described a new high-pressure sealing structure for tubular heat exchanger & the octagonal gasket and block ring sealing sturcture .

    本文介绍了 的一种新型高压密封结构&八角垫卡环密封结构。

  • Design of Tubular Heat Exchanger by Visual Basic and SolidWorks TECHNOLOGY FOR MANUFACTURE OF LARGE TUBULAR HEAT EXCHANGER

    用VB和SolidWorks实现 列管式 的设计大型列管式换热器制造技术

  • As the key equipment tubular heat exchanger plays an important role in petrochemical industry .

    列管式 作为承担 交换任务的关键设备,在石油化工行业中占据着重要的地位。

  • Software of automatic selection for tubular heat exchanger based on the enumeration method We must resolutely curb illegal overseas financing and the unauthorized incurring of debts in disguised form .

    基于枚举法的 自动选型软件设计坚决纠正到境外非法融资和擅自变相举债的做法。

  • 3-D parametric finite element model of tubular heat exchanger was built and the steady temperature field analysis of tubular heat exchanger was done .

    建立了 列管式 的三维参数化有限元模型并在此基础上对换热器进行了稳态温度场分析。

  • Development of Tubular Heat Exchanger Design Software

    列管式 设计软件的开发

  • By introducing the quality control of tube tube sheet connect mode of the tube and tube sheet expanding welding Testing etc quality control of tube-to-sheet joint on tubular heat exchanger is given .

    介绍了 管子与管板连接的质量控制,其中包括管板、管子的质量控制,管子与管板连接方式和检验等。

  • Tube and Tubesheet Design Methods for Tubular Heat Exchanger with a Central Pipe ; Experimental Study on the Efficiency of Cross and Counter Flow Plate Type Air to Air Heat Exchanger

    带中心管的 管板与 管设计方法研究逆流-叉流板式全热空气热交换器换热效率的实验研究

  • Analysis on Heat Transfer and Flow Resistance in the Shell Side of Tubular Heat Exchanger Forming Rotating Flow via Orifice Plate

    经孔板形成旋转流的 壳程传热及流阻的研究

  • Optimal heat transfer design in shell of tubular heat exchanger with axial flow

    流型 壳程的传热优化设计

  • Many tubular heat exchanger in fact more than half of nuclear and process equipment such as condensers evaporators and nuclear steam generators operated in two-phase flow .

    原子能工业与化工工艺过程中广泛 应用 、诸如冷凝器、蒸发器以及原子能蒸汽发生器,实际上一半以上都是在两相流状态下操作的。

  • Probe into the Leakage on Flange Seal Surface of Tubular Heat Exchanger


  • Vibration Analysis of Tubular Heat Exchanger by Transfer Matrix Mothod


  • It gives the theoretical basis for the reliability analysis safety in operation and prolonging the life of the large-sized tubular heat exchanger . It also gives the effective solution for prolonging the life .

    为大型 的可靠性分析、安全运行、延长使用寿命提供了理论依据,并对其 延寿运行提出了行之有效的措施。

  • The Application of Reinforced Glass Tubular Heat Exchanger for the Recovery of Waste Heat in Spray Dryer ··

    强化玻璃 交换器在喷雾干燥余热回收中的应用

  • Steam in a tubular heat exchanger was condensation .

    蒸汽在 中被冷凝。

  • Development of Courseware on Operation and Maintenance of Tubular Heat Exchanger


  • The Estimate of Heat Exchange Tubes Number in the Tubular Heat Exchanger


  • Finned Tubes and Their Application in the Tubular Heat Exchanger

    翅片管及其在 的使用

  • According to the heat transfer theory of heat exchanger and the actual experiment condition one tubular heat exchanger was designed and recovery experiments were researched with the device .

    根据换热器传热理论并结合实际的试验条件,设计出一台 ,而且利用该装置进行了回收试验研究。

  • Application of 3D Ribbed Tubular Heat Exchanger in Petroleum Chemical Industry

    三维肋 设备在石油化工装置的应用

  • Calculation program for physical properties of multi-component light hydrocarbon mixtures in tubular heat exchanger without phase change

    无相变多组分轻烃 算程序

  • In the light of calculation formulas for shell and tube heat exchanger floating head flange thickness given by Steel Pressure Vessels GB 150-1998 and Tubular Heat Exchanger GB 151-1999 problems that should be payed attention to in calculation are expounded .

    针对GB150-1998《钢制压力容器》和 GB151-1999 》两标准给出的管壳式换热器浮头法兰厚度计算公式,阐述了计算时应注意的一些问题。

  • The preheating method includes heat-pipe exchanger tubular heat exchanger plate heat exchanger heat medium exchanger and regenerative hot stove .

    预热法包括用热管换热器、 、板式换热器、热媒式换热器和蓄热式热风炉。

  • A study on criteria antivibration design of the tubular heat exchanger


  • Design of Pressure Testing Apparatus of Steel tubular Heat Exchanger and Design Flange of Stuffing-Box Heat Exchanger

    钢制 试压元件及填函式换热器填函法兰的设计

  • Thermodynamic Designation of Tubular Heat Exchanger with VC and SQL

    利用VC与SQL实现 的工艺设计