



  • In adult rabbits vascularized tubulate periosteum graft combined with bone filling materials can not repair the large bone defect effectively .

    成年兔带血 骨膜移植联合应用骨填充物不能有效修复骨长段缺损。

  • Objective : To guide the clinical application by the analysis of the biomechanics in the treatment of the tubulate bone fractures using intramedullary interlocking nail .

    目的:对交锁髓内钉治疗 长骨骨折进行临床生物力学分析。

  • Conclusion SIS can be a useful material for urethral repair in rabbits the SIS patch graft is superior to the tubulate SIS graft in urethra reconstruction .

    结论SIS可作为兔尿道修复重建的良好 支架材料,片状SIS 修复 优于 管状 SIS 修复