


  • During its normal operation nuclear power plants will produce some radioactive noble gases ( Krypton and Xenon ) .

    在核电站的正常运行期间,将产生放射性惰性气体(主要为 氪和氙)。

  • Xenon and krypton are not retained by the body so they have little effect .


  • Instead the light is created by an electrical discharge between two electrodes in an air tight tiny quartz capsule filled with xenon gas mercury and metal halide salts .

    反之,光线造成的电气放电之间的两个电极上的一个空军严密细小石英胶囊填充 氙气,汞和金属卤化物盐类。

  • Based on these results and previous experience an optimized design of the zeolite column is made for use in xenon monitoring system .

    根据研究结果并结合经验对 核查系统中的分子筛除杂柱进行了优化设计。

  • I expect that a few telltale wisps of xenon could aid immensely in this search .

    我想,几缕泄漏天机的 氙气,将对我们的寻找大有帮助。

  • Of aggregation affinity During those hours radioactive xenon gas built up in the reactor .

    在这几个小时中,放射性 气体 在反应堆中聚集增多。

  • High-power xenon lamp can be used as a light pump for continuous laser as well .

    高功率的 氙灯还可以作为连续激光的光泵。

  • I plant Xenon HID lights a GPS navigation system pillar overseas reputation is outstanding .

    我厂的HID 氙气灯、GPS导航系统远销海外,声誉斐然。

  • Remarkably these grains showed the highest concentration of xenon ever found in any natural material .

    值得一提的是,这些颗粒中 的浓度,是有史以来在自然物质中所见最高的。

  • The characteristic of pulse xenon flashlamp envelope which made of cerium doped quartz glass was studied experimentally under high input power and the experimental results were analysed .

    实验研究了脉冲 氙灯在高负载条件下掺铈石英玻璃管壁的特性,并对实验结果进行了分析。

  • As expected the researchers found the xenon isotope produced by uranium fission in uranium minerals from this deposit .

    正如所预料的那样,研究人员发现 同位素是由这些沉积矿床中的铀矿物裂变产生的。

  • By changing the sample ambient temperature humidity and the spray sample itself xenon lamp light to simulate the natural climate and artificial light .

    通过改变样品环境温度、样品本身湿度、喷淋, 氙灯光照度来模拟自然气候和人工日光。

  • Well if we lived in a world where slow-moving xenon produced light then you 'd be correct .

    那是,如果我们住在一个缓慢运动的 原子能放出光子的世界,那你就是对的。

  • An hour later the next lighter stable isotope xenon 134 appeared .

    一小时之后,略轻一点的稳定同位素 134出现。

  • However some of the minerals contain xenon isotopes unlike those usually produced by radioactive decay of uranium .

    然而,有些含 同位素的矿物并非如此,是由铀的放射性衰变产生的。

  • Meteorites all carry this excess xenon .


  • Is it available ? About 30 major medical centers in the United States have xenon CT scan technology .

    利用的可能性美国大约有30家主要医疗中心有 氙气CT扫描仪技术。

  • The result was the peculiar segregation of xenon isotopes we uncovered .

    结果就是我们所观察到, 同位素的特殊区隔。

  • Perhaps further studies of xenon retained within minerals will reveal natural nuclear reactors elsewhere .

    更多针对矿物中残留 氙气而进行的 测量,将能显示出位于别处的天然核反应堆。

  • That xenon could not FORM chemical compounds was once believed by scientists .

    科学家 曾相信 天下 头像 是不能形成化合物的。

  • Xenon lamp light fastness testing chamber has become the unanimous choice of the field of weather testing for the related industries provide adequate technical information and proven .

    氙灯 老化试验箱已成为耐光耐侯测试领域的普遍选择,为相关行业提供了充足的技术参考和实践证明。

  • The krypton and xenon isotope ratios in the gas samples provided a surprising result : They did not match the ratios found in the primordial cloud that spawned the solar system .

    气体采样中的氪和 同位素比值产生了一个令人吃惊的结果:这些比值跟在形成太阳系的原始云团中所发现的比值不一致。

  • Any of the six chemical elements that make up the rightmost group of the periodic table as usually arranged : helium neon argon krypton xenon and radon .

    稀有气体(亦称惰性气体):通常排列在周期律中最右边一族的六种化学元素:氦、氖、氩、氪、 和氡。

  • Ruby laser generator . Right-click for xenon lamp as pumping source .

    红宝石激光发生器。右击可指定 氙灯为泵激源。

  • The latest development of the advanced international level of HID auto lighting system Xenon headlamps .

    最新研制具有国际先进水平的HID汽车 氙气大灯照明系统。

  • None of the xenon isotopes we measured were the direct result of uranium fission .

    我们所测量到的 同位素,根本都不是直接由铀的核分裂而来。

  • Summarizes the techniques of the light sources such as halogen lamp and xenon lamp etc.

    本文就医学领域中常用的卤钨灯、 氙灯等光源的原理、应用作了详细的 对比分析。

  • Development of a Xenon Lamp Current Real-time Data Acquisition System Based on DSP and CPLD

    基于DSP和CPLD的 脉冲 氙灯电流实时采集系统的研制

  • In particular the researchers were studying the isotope ratios or the comparative abundances of the different forms of a particular element of the gaseous elements krypton and xenon .

    特别值得一提的是,研究人员研究了氪和 两种气体元素的同位素比值。同位素比值是指一种特定元素中各种同位素之间的丰度之比。