


  • The zoogeographic regions of Chinese ticks were nearly consistent with the Chinese zoogeographic division although there were some differences .

    蜱类的 地理 区划 部分 区的 归属 区划 级别与《中国动物地理区划图》有一定差别 ,基本可以反映中国的动物地理区划。

  • Zoogeographic regionalization of Jilin Province

    吉林省 动物 地理区划

  • Based on data for the zoogeographic distribution of genera and subgenera it is noted that genera are majorly distributed in the Palaearctic the Nearctic and the Oriental region .

    概述了洼甲螨科各属(亚属)的 地理分布,指出该科目前所知分布较多的是古北界、新北界、东洋界;

  • Based on the results of many-year surveys reptile fauna and zoogeographic division in Hunan Province are discussed .

    根据多年的调查资料,分析阐述了湖南爬行动物区系和 爬行动物 地理区划。

  • According to the division of Jiangsu amphibian we divided Jiangsu province into four zoogeographic areas ( Huaibei plain Huainan plain Lower reaches of Yangtze River plain and hilly . Yili hilly region ) .

    江苏两栖动物的 地理区划可分为淮北平原省、淮南平原省、长江下游平原丘陵省和宜溧低山丘陵省等4个 动物 地理省。

  • Diversity of amphibians and reptiles and zoogeographic division of Yuntai Mountain Region

    江苏云台山地区两栖爬行动物多样性及 地理区划