zero shift

[ˈzɪro ʃɪft][ˈziərəu ʃift]


  • The compound control mode of speed control and tension control was used and the zero shift of the tension measuring device was compensated and spot-calibrated by software and hardware .

    在控制方案上采用速度控制和张力控制的复合控制方式,同时通过软硬件对张力测定仪的 零点 漂移进行补偿和现场校正。

  • Realization of the Switching Zero Temperature Shift in the Missile Orientation Device Based on the Stepping Motor Fine Control

    步进电机细分控制的导弹定向设备开机 抑制 光栅的一些性能研究

  • ISI limitation for non zero dispersion shift fiber transmission system using in-line phase-sensitive amplifiers

    应用相敏光放大器的非 色散 位移光纤通信系统中的ISI限制距离研究

  • The conditional entropy of two symbolic sequences which are encoded faithfully from two different time series is minimized at the zero relative shift of the two time series if the two time series have their origins in the same underlying dynamics .

    通过粗粒化方法得到符号序列,如果两个符号序列的条件熵在相对 位移 零时达到最小值,那么这两个时间序列可能属于同一个动力学系统。

  • Before measurement the transducer must be checked for its zero position shift .

    变送器在测量前,应校核它是否发生了 漂移

  • The adsorbed dodecylamine film changed the structure of the double-electric layer and made the potential of zero charge ( PZC ) shift to the positive direction .

    十二胺吸附膜改变了电极表面双电层结构,使 电荷电位正

  • In order to improve the quality of the voltage signals this paper has adopted the scheme of three phases and six organs in signal-generator part which can eliminate the errors caused by the assembly warp and the zero shift of organs .

    因此,为提高原始电压信号的质量,本文采用三相六元件的信号发生方案,通过差分处理滤除了由于装配偏差和 零点 漂移带来的信号误差;

  • A repetitive controller can be obtained by designing a zero phase shift low pass filter . With the help of digital signal processing and software tools it is easy to design a satisfactory controller .

    该方法将控制器的设计转化 低通数字滤波器的设计问题,借助于数字信号处理的理论和工具直接得到所需的控制器参数。

  • How to eliminate the zero shift of photoelectric galvanometer

    如何解决光电灵敏电流计的 零点 漂移

  • Abstract : A pressure sensor which can cancel thermal zero shift is described .

    文摘:提出一种可消除热 零点 漂移的压阻式压力传感器。

  • The key of upgrading thermometric instrument precision for platinum resistance is how to eliminate the influence owing to thermal resistance connecting wire resistance as ambient temperature change zero shift of amplifier the change of enlargement factor to the temperature survey .

    提高配铂电阻测温仪表精度的关键是如何消除热电阻连接导线电阻随环境温度变化、放大器的 零点 漂移、放大倍数的变化对温度测量带来的影响。

  • The specific resistance change produces a zero shift . unchanged in character or nature .

    电阻的这一特殊变化造成 零点 漂移。在性格或者特点上没有变化。

  • Owing to weak output signals integrated amplifier is designed which is characteristics of shorter wires higher input impedance higher common mode rejection ratio and series mode rejection ratio smaller zero shift and temperature shift .

    由于输出信号微弱,采用短线路传输,高输入阻抗,共模抑制比和串模抑制比高,温漂和 小的集成运放电路。

  • Experiments show that a higher precision of zero shift can be realized by this method .

    实践证明通过此方法可以实现比较高的 原点定位精度。

  • The signed division will take more time to execute because it rounds towards zero while a shift rounds towards minus infinity .

    有符号的除法要耗费更多的时间,因为除法是使最终结果趋向于 的,而 移位则是趋向于负无穷。

  • Compensating the Large Thermal Zero Shift of Pressure Sensor by Using the Automatic Balance

    利用自平衡电桥消除压力传感器的大热 零点 漂移

  • It has been so successful at generating cash that it expects net debt in the automotive division to reach zero by December a shift of nearly $ 9bn in one year and well ahead of schedule .

    福特在产生现金流方面大获成功。该公司预计,到今年12月,其汽车部门的净债务将 &一年内减少近90亿美元,较计划大大提前。

  • A simple method of zero thermal shift on Piezoresistive diffuse sillicon pressure sensor

    扩散硅压力传感器 零点补偿的简便方法

  • Preliminary Inquiry of Implementation of Zero Phase shift for Frequency Divider

    分频器实现 的初步探讨

  • An effective method has been proposed to cancel the zero shift of the sensor .

    针对传感器 零点 漂移问题,提出了首次测量补偿法。

  • The No-Hit-Zone ( NHZ ) hopping code is employed by the frequency hopper of NHZ FH communication systems which have no hits at all within a predefined correlation zone in the vicinity of zero shift .

    无碰撞区跳频通信系统的跳频器所使用的跳频码是无碰撞区跳频码,该码在 位移附近一段区域内汉明相关

  • Pressure Sensor Made of Two Piezoresistive Half-Bridges for Cancelling Thermal Zero Shift

    可消除热 零点 漂移的双压阻半桥压力传感器

  • In electronics and communications pertaining to signals that have a zero phase shift relative to each other .

    在电子技术和通信技术中,用来说明各个信号相互之间 没有 相位

  • There is usually zero shift in shock waveforms obtained in experimental study on absorption properties of cushion materials .

    在对衬垫材料进行冲击特性的实验研究时,测量所获得的波形常含有 零点 偏移零点 偏移的存在 对实验结果引入不可忽略的 误差

  • Through studying the process of the dynamic matching for the catalytic component and the compensating component in the methane sensor the consistence of two components of the sensor is increased and the zero shift is decreased .

    通过研究热催化瓦斯传感器催化传感元件的动态配对工艺,增强了传感元件和补偿元件的一致性,抑制了 零点 漂移

  • This paper focuses on the non zero dispersion shift fiber optical transmission system which employs cascaded phase sensitive amplifiers .

    研究了应用级联相敏光放大器(PSA)的非 色散 位移光纤(NZDSF)光传输系统。

  • The specific resistence change produces a zero shift .

    电阻的变化造成 零点 漂移

  • Via appropriate choice of wavelet parameters a wavelet cluster combined with multi-Morlet-like wavelet can be used as a band-pass filter with zero phase shift flat topped pass-band and rapid attenuation in the transition band . It can be used to extract high frequency natural vibration components .

    通过合理的选择小波参数,用多个单Morlet小波组成的小波簇可构成具有 、平顶通带及快速衰减过渡带特性的带通滤波器,用于提取振动信号的高频谐振成分。

  • The zero emission concept represents a shift from the traditional industrial model .

    排放是传统工业生产方式的 转换点。

  • With this algorithm a new phase compensation filter algorithm is developed for realizing zero phase shift .

    在该算法基础上又提出了一种相位补偿滤波算法,使信号经滤波后 相位 保持 不变