


  • To avert this the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia cannot be allowed to fail .

    要避免这一局面的出现,我们就不能让埃及和 突尼斯的革命失败。

  • When peaceful transitions began in Tunisia and Egypt the entire world was filled with hope .

    当和平过渡在 突尼斯和埃及开始之时,整个世界都充满了希望。

  • In its first phase clean-up and prevention activities have started in six countries ( Mali Morocco Nigeria South Africa Tanzania and Tunisia ) .

    在第一阶段中,它已经在六个国家(马里、摩洛哥、尼日利亚、南非、坦桑尼亚和 突尼斯)展开了清理和预防活动。

  • They are building network hubs in Libya and Lebanon the Emirates and Egypt Morocco and Tunisia & 10 countries in all ( Israel is not part of the network ) .

    她们正在利比亚和黎巴嫩、阿联酋和埃及、摩洛哥和 突尼斯等总共十个国家(不包括以色列)构建网络“枢纽”。

  • Tourism is also helping to drive prosperity in threshold countries such as Tunisia Jordan and Egypt .

    旅游业还有助于推动 突尼斯、约旦和埃及等门槛国家的繁荣。

  • The argument reflects the fact that countries such as Tunisia and Egypt improved their economic policies in recent years .

    利克的观点反映出一个事实:即 突尼斯和埃及等国家的经济政策近年来有所改进。

  • The most severe censors are China Iran Vietnam Syria Burma and Tunisia .

    审查最严厉的国家是中国、伊朗、越南、叙利亚、缅甸和 突尼斯

  • Tunisia Algeria Morocco – this is part of the known world for the French political class .


  • Tunisia and Egypt where constitutional reform had sunk roots by the 1860s were pioneers then as now .

    与现在一样,到19世纪60年代宪法改革已经扎下根的 突尼斯和埃及当时是宗教改革运动的先锋。

  • She says the use of social media has been different in the movements in Egypt and Tunisia .

    她表示,在埃及和 突尼斯的运动中,社交媒体的应用有所不同。

  • He 's already been to Tunisia and is to go on to Morocco and Mauritania

    他已经去过 突尼斯了,还要去摩洛哥和毛里塔尼亚。

  • World Bank President Robert Zoellick offered loans to Egypt and Tunisia .

    世界银行行长佐利克为埃及和 突尼斯提供了贷款。

  • This was just below much smaller economies such as Tunisia Albania and Jordan .

    这比总规模小得多的经济体如 突尼斯、阿尔巴尼亚和约旦还落后。

  • In Tunisia and Egypt the young are rebelling against old rulers .


  • Hamas officials say Ismail Haniyeh will visit Egypt Sudan Qatar Bahrain Tunisia and Turkey .

    哈马斯官员表示哈尼耶将访问埃及、苏丹、卡塔尔、巴林、 突尼斯和土耳其。

  • Anger over unemployment has contributed to the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia .

    失业引发的愤怒,是埃及和 突尼斯爆发抗议的原因之一。

  • Their experiences include programmes in Australia China Egypt Lebanon Tunisia and Zambia .

    他们的经验包括在澳大利亚、中国、埃及、黎巴嫩、 突尼斯和赞比亚的规划。

  • Egypt and Tunisia have gone .

    埃及和 突尼斯 政权已被推翻。

  • Tonight it welcomes the players and fans of Tunisia and Saudi Arabia .

    今晚,她将欢迎来自 突尼斯和沙特的球迷。

  • With this commitment and knowledge Tunisia can shape its own successful economic programme .

    凭借他们的热忱和知识, 突尼斯能够打造出自己成功的经济方案。

  • The capital and principal port of Tunisia .


  • These include China Iran Saudi Arabia Tunisia Burma and Uzbekistan .

    这些国家包括中国、伊朗、沙特阿拉伯、 突尼斯、缅甸和乌兹别克斯坦。

  • But if any country can do it I think Tunisia can .

    但如果有任何国家可以做到这一点,我认为 突尼斯就可以。

  • Rage at the wealth and corruption of the ruling elite fuelled the revolts in Tunisia and Egypt .

    对执政精英的财富规模与腐败程度的愤怒,引发了 突尼斯和埃及的起义活动。

  • He said his party would respect women 's rights and Tunisia 's pro-Western values .

    他称,他所在的政党将尊重妇女权利和 突尼斯人亲西方的价值观。

  • Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father .

    米米和她的家人前往 突尼斯与父亲团聚。

  • The new Tunisia is also eager to join the court .


  • Several countries including Morocco Tunisia and Malta have reportedly expressed interest .

    摩洛哥、 突尼斯和马耳他等国家据说也表示有兴趣成为新合作联盟的总部。