


  • He was a sort of almost irritating ubiquity ; no halt was possible with him .

    他几乎是一种 激奋 化身,有了他,便不可能有停顿。

  • The ubiquity and utility of Ant as a build tool for Java projects is virtually unsurpassed .

    Ant作为Java项目构建工具的 普遍 和实用性是无法超越的。

  • The diversity of contract language results in the ubiquity of contract interpretation .

    合同语言的 异性普遍 存在 决定了合同解释的 普遍

  • Simply put IMS uses Internet technologies to provide vast services and mobile technology to provide ubiquity .

    简单说来,IMS使用Internet技术提供大量服务和移动技术, 真正实现 无处不在

  • But it has been the ubiquity of the mobile Internet that realized it .

    而移动互联网的 普及 这个说法成为了现实。

  • The simple JMS client approach has many advantages the most obvious being its simplicity and ubiquity .

    简单JMS客户机方法有许多优点,最明显的优点就是它的简单性和 普遍

  • As the technology matures schools are deriving benefits less from revolutionary developments than from the steady increase in reliability first of hardware and software more recently of online tools and communication and the ubiquity of broadband .

    随着科技走向成熟,商学院从变革发展中获得的益处,要少于从科技可靠性(最初是硬件和软件,最近是在线工具及沟通)稳定增长和从宽带 普及中得到的好处。

  • The advent of globalization and the ubiquity of online dating has set the stage for new-age mail-order bride companies to gain unprecedented popularity .

    全球化时代的到来, 无处不在的在线相亲为新时代的邮购新娘企业提供了新舞台,让它们获得了前所未有的人气。

  • The ubiquity of sexual images does not free the power of Eros but dilutes it .

    性爱影像的 无处不在并没有释放性爱的能量,却冲淡了它。

  • In our world weal ubiquity if you have a gnosis heart you can experience weal .

    幸福在生活中 无处不在,只要你有一颗感悟幸福的心,就能体会到幸。

  • There are many become the ubiquity of bodhisattva .

    有很多观世音,成为 无处不在的菩萨。

  • All of the thin-film technologies also offer the potential for ubiquity .

    所有的薄膜技术也提供了潜在的 普及

  • When we reengineer metadata management XML obviously is a default data format for metadata because of its ubiquity .

    当我们重新设计元数据管理时,由于XML的 普及,它显然是元数据的缺省数据格式。

  • But the phones'growing ubiquity they 're a technological Coca-Cola Green says has other uses too .

    “手机就像是技术领域的可口可乐。”格林说。不过, 手机这种日渐增长的 普及性还有其他用途。

  • But such ubiquity will also amplify any adverse side-effects .

    但这种 极度 普及也会放大一切不利的副作用。

  • I 've been studying this area for about 17 years and what we 're seeing now is a ubiquity of mobile devices that is really altering this industry she said .

    我研究这个领域差不多17年了,现在我们可以看到,移动设备的 普及确实在改变着这个行业。

  • This list leaves out the most important aspect of loose coupling : ubiquity .

    这个列表遗漏了松耦合最重要的一个方面: 普遍

  • The digitization of data and the ubiquity of the Internet can help .

    资料数字化和互联网的 普及有助于达到这一 目的

  • Look at the growing ubiquity of WiFi to illustrate this .

    用增长中的 到处 存在的无线局域网来举例说明一下。