



  • The first part discusses the conception and theoretical base of ultima ratio ofpenalty .

    第一部分讨论了刑法 谦抑性的含义、理论根基。

  • Result show under present processing the factors which affecting the ultima performance and life-span are the surface hardness of cam and the quantity of remaining eutectic carbide in surface microstructure .

    结果表明,在现行工艺下,影响凸轮 最终性能及使用寿命的因素是凸轮轴凸轮的表面硬度及表面显微组织中残余共晶碳化物的数量。

  • In this method features were extracted from cutting force signal and vibration acceleration signal and through correlation analysis the ultima feature vectors were composed of the mean value RMS the energy value and the approximate entropy of low frequency band obtained from wavelet transform .

    该方法提取切削力与振动信号中的 多项特征,对 各项特征分别进行 刀具 磨损 相关性分析, 选择 刀具 磨损变化量最相关的均值、均 方根、小波系数能量以及小波系数近似熵组成特征向量。

  • The ultima final target got to the way and steps on critical component of automobile failures diagnosis .

    最终 得到 通用的汽车关键部件故障诊断的方法和步骤。

  • An animated depiction of Pangea Ultima demonstrates a bold exercise in futuristic thinking .

    动画呈现终极 盘古大陆显示,未来学想法的大胆运作。

  • His long-term forecast despite the uncertainties portrays a distant time when the world 's continents come together again to form a new supercontinent which he calls Pangea Ultima .

    他的长期预测,尽管充满不确定性,呈现遥远的未来世界的大陆板块会再聚合,形成新超级大陆,他称之为「终极 盘古大陆

  • It can expand consumption develop new consumptive hot spots as well as adjust exports scales . ( 2 ) The main factors affecting imports and trade balance are exports foreign direct investment and ultima consumption rate .

    影响进口和贸易平衡的主要因素是出口、外商直接投资、 最终消费率等。

  • As Schumpeter wrote more than 70 years ago : This economic system cannot do without the ultima ratio of the complete destruction of those existences which are irretrievably associated with the hopelessly unadapted .

    正如 熊彼德70多年前所写道的:这个经济系统不能没有彻底毁灭那些生存者的 最终 手段,这些生存者不可挽回地与那些没有希望的不适应生存者联系在一起。

  • Changes of pathomorpholoy : In the laser group the injure of vascular ultima was slighter the structure of vascular wall was clean and the inflammation was slighter .

    术后血管组织形态学改变,激光吻合组,血管 内膜损伤小,管壁各层次结构清晰,炎症反应轻;

  • The ultima weight of each evaluation by GIS in graphical form . By analyzing of superposition to multiple pointer zoning plan of groundwater source heat pump in Shenyang will be got .

    将各指标评价 结果以图形形式利用地理信息系统(GIS),通过多指标分析叠加得到了沈阳城区地下水源热泵适宜性分区规划图。

  • The third part discusses the real meaning of ultima ratio of penalty .

    第三部分对刑法 谦抑 的现实意义进行了探讨。

  • His first novel Bless Me Ultima is widely acknowledged as a classic of Chicano literature and wins Anaya international fame .

    他的第一部小说《保佑我, 乌勒蒂玛 (1972)被公认为奇卡诺文学经典作品之一,为其赢得了国际声誉。

  • Application is the ultima thule of study .

    研究的 最终目的在于应用。

  • And ultima multi-class classifier includes a few sub-classifiers and therefore enhances classification speed . Although category SEB is not a Topos it is Cartesian Closed .

    同时, 最终的多类分类器中包含较少的子分类器,提高了分类速度。因没有SC(子物质分类器),所以不是Topos。

  • The low-resolution images and high-resolution images are gained by pyramid algorithm . Then candidate GCPs and ultima GCPs are obtained from low-resolution and high-resolution images . Dynamic programming stereo matching algorithm in high-resolution images is directed by ultima GCPs .

    采用金字塔算法求取低、高分辨率图像,然后分别在低、高分辨率图像上求取候选控制点集和 最终控制点集,并用最终控制点集修正高分辨率图像上的动态规划立体匹配。

  • Fracture Analyse of Ultima Shaft on Engine Used in Motorcycle

    摩托车发动机 最终轴断裂分析

  • In the process of the design-calculation module some parameters are obtained according to the experiential formula so the ultima results need to be analysed further .

    在设计计算模块中有一些参数是根据经验公式计算所得,所以对 最终设计结果,需要进行进一步分析。

  • Several factors related to MS and the ultima angiocardiopathy change exist in PCOS .

    作者就PCOS中存在多种与MS以及 最终的心血管病变相关因子改变 一综述。

  • The ultima intention of this research is serving for inspecting metal pitting corrosion by AE technology which is important meaning in reducing the expense of checking and maintaining in lessen environmental pollution in increasing the security of equipment .

    这将在降低检测、 维修费用、减少环境污染、提高设备的安全性等方面具有重要意义, 将会 带来 巨大 经济 效益 社会 效益

  • First it puts forward the guiding ideology that with the new condition the ultima target of SCM is maximizing the corporation value on the base of the maximizing the value of whole of the supply chain .

    首先,提出了新形势下供应链管理的 终极目标是在供应链整体价值最大化基础上的企业价值最大化。

  • Therefore putting prevention and control of public heath emergencies into the orbit of the legal undoubtedly is the best choice . As the ultima ratio of a country under the rule of law criminal law should and could play an important and unique role in this regard .

    因此,将突发性公共卫生事件的 防控纳入法治轨道无疑是最佳选择,作为法治国家的 最后 保障 手段,刑法应当也能够在这方面发挥自己独特的作用。