According to the characteristics of ulexite mixed ore in Qinghai and Tibet a new technology for the preparation of borax by two-step alkaline hydrolysis method is studied .
针对青藏地区 钠 硼 解 石复合矿矿型特点,提出两步碱解法制取硼砂的新工艺。
Study on dissolution and transformation of ulexite in water
钠 硼 解 石在水中的溶解及 相转化研究
New technology of the preparation of borax from ulexite mixed ore
钠 硼 解 石复合矿 制取硼砂新工艺
Pilot experiment of the preparation process of borax from ulexite in Qinghai-Tibet region
青藏地区 钠 硼 解 石 复合 矿制取硼砂中间试验
The calcium borate product was prepared with natural ulexite powder through hydrothermal depolymerization and phase inversion .
以 钠 硼 解 石天然 矿粉为 原料,经水热解聚和相转化制备出硼酸钙产品。
Chemistry of Borate in Salt Lake Brine ⅹⅻ . A Studying on Thermal Decomposition of Mineral Ulexite
盐卤硼酸盐化学ⅩⅫ.天然 钠 硼 解 石矿物的热行为研究
Preparation of calcium borate from ulexite and slaked lime
石灰 法 分解 钠 硼 解 石制备硼酸钙
A study on the behavior of ulexite from qinghai & xizang ( tibet ) plateau during its dissolution in water
青藏高原 钠 硼 解 石在水中溶解行为的研究