ultraweak luminescence


  • Low dose γ ray radiation induced seeds ultraweak luminescence

    低剂量γ辐射诱导作物种子 发光 研究

  • Changes of ultraweak luminescence and some physiological characters of apple seedlings under water stress

    水分胁迫下苹果幼苗 发光及一些生理特性的变化

  • Biological ultraweak luminescence is a kind of chemiluminescence with low level Which is a common phenomenon in all being and it provides important information of organic metabolic reaction conversion of energy and other vital activities .

    生物 微弱 发光是一种低水平的发光,是所有生物都具有的一种普遍现象,它提供了有机体代谢反应及能量转化等生命活动的重要信息。

  • Effect of DDP treatment on ultraweak luminescence in human cervical carcinoma HeLa line

    顺铂对人宫颈癌Hela细胞 发光影响的观察

  • Application of Ultraweak Luminescence Technique in Research of Plant Stress Physiology


  • WT5FZ w_762 Conclusion : WT5BZ w_767 The results show that the spontaneous oxidation of culturing cells is an important reason for the ultraweak luminescence .

    结论细胞在含氧气体中的自发氧化是产生 微弱 发光的重要原因;

  • The ultraweak luminescence reflect functional status of tumor cells . It can become an sensitive index of physiology and metabolism of tumor cells .

    微弱 发光反映了肿瘤细胞的功能状态,检测肿瘤细胞 微弱 发光 强度可作为一项敏感的肿瘤细胞生理及代谢指标。

  • The Ultraweak Luminescence and Its Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms of Apple Peach and Apricot

    苹果与桃杏 微弱 发光及其生理生化机制

  • Study of the Influence of Microwave Field on Biological Ultraweak Luminescence

    微波场影响生物体 发光的研究

  • Effect of exogenous hydroxy radical on ultraweak luminescence from the human serum

    外源性羟基自由基(·OH)的 注入对人血清 发光的影响

  • Effects of vitamin C and glutathione on ultraweak luminescence of pulmonary alveolus macrophages in vitro

    维生素C和谷胱甘肽对离体肺泡巨噬细胞 微弱 发光的影响

  • Investigation of the esophageal cells ultraweak photon emission and delayed luminescence

    人食管癌细胞株的 微弱发光与延迟 发光

  • The Preliminary Study of the Relationship between Drug-resistance and Ultraweak Luminescence of Tumor Cells

    肿瘤细胞耐药性与 微弱 发光关系的初步研究

  • Preliminary study on the properties of ultraweak luminescence from zebra fish

    斑马鱼 特性的初步研究