ultimate consumer

[ˈʌltəmɪt kənˈsumɚ][ˈʌltimit kənˈsju:mə]


  • Dismember the ultimate consumer market of the product have done on the basis the mainly target market of nonlinear chemical fingerprint intelligent analyzer is : medium-sized food and drug production and circulation enterprises .

    在市场细分的基础上对非线性化学指纹图谱智能分析仪的 目标 市场进行了选挥&主要为中型以上的食品药品生产企业和流通企业。

  • Consumer is an important component part of consumption and improving people 's living standard and quality is the ultimate goal of production . Therefore consumer study especially empirical study has been receiving focus of government and economists .

    居民消费是构成消费的重要组成部分,提高人们的生活水平与质量又是生产的 最终目的,因而对 居民 消费的研究,尤其是实证研究一直是政府部门、经济学家关注的热点之一。

  • The ultimate purpose of advertisings is to initially create an impressive image in the consumer and then to persuade them to make a purchase of the goods .

    广告的 最终目的是在 消费者心中创造一种令人难忘的意向进而说服他们做出购买的决定。

  • The ultimate value of the brand to the consumer is the function of equity and price .

    品牌对 消费者而言的 终极价值是品牌资产和价格的共同作用。

  • A company no matter what produce any kind of product its ultimate aim is to sell products to consumer .

    一个公司无论做什么样的产品,其 最终目的是把产品卖到 用户 手中

  • Marketing channel is also called trade channel which is the channel that the products or services move through to ultimate consumer directly or indirectly .

    营销渠道(marketingchannel),也称为营销网络或者贸易渠道(tradechannel)。是产品或服务从 生产者最后 消费者移动时直接或间接转移 所有权所经过的途径。

  • In general the ultimate goal of business is to win consumer acceptance that resulting a psychological process of buying behavior .

    简单的说,商家的 最终目的就是赢得 消费者认同从而产生购买行为的一个心理活动过程。

  • E in the route of the family win-win development China unicom of consumers supermarket operator the chain of suppliers so as to realize the China of consumer goods ultimate consumer market .

    e家人本着共赢发展的路线,联通中国的消费者、超市运营商、供应商之间的产业链,从而实现中国的生活消费品的 终极 消费市场。

  • On the main issue of individual consumer credit the thesis analyzes the ultimate reason from the view of consumer bank and society .

    针对我国个人消费信贷拓展面临的主要问题,从 消费者、银行和社会三方面进行了分析,指出消费信贷拓展不 的根源所在。

  • The US he says has been the ultimate consumer trapped in an unhealthy relationship with China the ultimate producer .

    他说,美国一直是 终极 消费者,中国则是终极生产者,美国陷在与中国的不健康关系中无法自拔。

  • As a result the ultimate design goal is providing to the Web services consumer application a set of classes that make up a reusable adapter layer engineered according to the principles cited above .

    最终设计目标是,为Web服务 消费者应用提供一组类,这些类根据上面引述的原则组成了可重用适配器层。

  • Should say win the ultimate consumer trust means is to establish a trustworthy brand this also is the fundamental pursuit .

    应该说,赢得 消费者信任的 终极手段,是建立足以信赖的品牌,这也是差异化行销的根本追求。

  • CUSTOMER ( Participant ) Ultimate consumer user client beneficiary or second party .

    最终 消费者,用户,客户,受益人或第二方。

  • However sometimes it is difficult to know what consumers themselves what their ultimate needs the potential of information about consumer demand more difficult .

    但是,有时消费者自己也很难知道自己 最终需要什么,所以弄清楚 消费者的潜在信息需求比较困难。