Resource consuming is inevitable during the taxation or the resource transferring process from private department to public department which is the unavoidable cost during the taxation in order to keep the process efficient .
政府通过征税方式将资源从私人部门向公共部门转移过程中,必然要耗费一定资源,它是满足资源配置效率所 不可避免 的 成本,这种 成本即税收 成本。
Cost management is a fundamental part of the project it is an unavoidable path to achieve success through sound cost management .
成本管理是项目管理中重要的组成部分,良好的 成本管理是实现项目成功目标的一个 必要途径。
And then the increasing energy cost has become an unavoidable problem especially for some energy-consuming enterprises in which the energy cost is a matter of life and death .
再有,不断增加的能源成本已成为 不 可 回避的问题,特别是对于重点 耗能企业更是成为头痛甚至是事关生死的 难题。
At home the traditional method of establishing the forming ring rolling processing technique that the bulk of the people are using has much unavoidable defect such as low efficiency high cost in processing technique design and low precision and so on ;
在国内,大部分都是采用传统人工制定工艺方案,其设计 存在效率低, 成本高,设计精度低等缺点;
This is simply unavoidable and must be considered in your cost model .
这是 不可避免的,并且应该在您的 成本模型中加以考虑。
Forming ring rolling processing technic comes down to many problems including calculating and setting process parameters . The traditional method of establishing the forming ring rolling processing technic has much unavoidable defect ; such as inefficiency and high cost in processing technic design .
环件轧制成形工艺涉及到许多工艺参数的计算和设置问题,传统的人工制定工艺方案,其设计效率低, 成本高,具有很多 不可避免的缺点。
It is unavoidable to find out low cost and reliable equipment to produce the best quality artificial sand .
寻找生产 成本低、产品质量好的人工砂生产工艺和性能可靠的设备已 势在必行。
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