


  • Loess Plateau in North Shaanxi Province is an unenclosed ecology-economy system with characteristics of mountain area and it is very fragile .

    陕北黄土高原地区是一个 巨大 开放性的山地生态经济系统,其生态系统十分脆弱。

  • Behind him the hills are open the sun blazes down upon fields so large as to give an unenclosed character to the landscape the lanes are white the hedges low and plashed the atmosphere colourless .

    在他的身后,山峦尽收眼底,太阳照耀着广阔的田野,为那片风景增添了气势 恢弘的特点,小路是白色的,低矮的树篱的枝条纠结在一起,大气也是清澈透明的。

  • The areas of first and second degree rangelands were enlarged due to enclosing rangelands at large scale so the quality of rangeland was greatly improved but the range desertification is still common caused by overgrazing on unenclosed third degree rangeland .

    由于草地围封面积的扩大,一、二类草地的面积显著增加,草场质量显著改善,但由于 草地的过牧仍 普遍,三 草地沙化仍 严重;