


  • Research on Making γ - Linolenic Acid ( GLA ) by Animalcule Zymotechnics and Using GLA to Prevent and Treat Cardiovascular & Cerebrovascular Diseases

    微生物 发酵法制取γ-亚麻酸( GLA)和用于防治心脑血管疾病的研究

  • To exploit orange resources the zymotechnics of orange vinegar was studied .

    为开发利用 的柑桔资源,对柑桔 果醋 酿制 工艺进行了研究。

  • Studies on technic of producing organic fertilizer in shedding bag zymotechnics

    袋装 发酵 生产有机肥技术研究

  • Process technology of tinge zymotechnics soy sauce and its quality influenced by the technics are introduced in detail .

    介绍了 淡色 酿造酱油的生产工艺及工艺对酱油品质的影响;

  • This article from is various multi-level after discussed front the fluid the solid zymotechnics to ferment the main reason which the vinegar summer reduced production has formulated the corresponding preventing and controlling measure and has obtained the ideal effect .

    从多方面、多层次,探讨了前液后固 发酵 酿醋夏季减产的主要原因,制定了相应的防治措施,并取得了理想的效果。

  • We find a good thalli ( Cunninghamella echinulata Thaxter ) for producing by zymotechnics and the process route and conditions of manufacturing GLA are presented in this paper .

    本文通过研究获取了GLA 发酵的优良生产菌株(刺孢小克银汉霉Cunninghamellaechinulata(Thaxter) Thaxter),并提供了适于 工业化生产的工艺路线和 工艺条件。

  • Study on Determining Fecal Coliform by 5 Tube Zymotechnics

    五管 发酵测定粪大肠菌群的研究

  • The optimum method of mixing material is piling up and letting in oxygen zymotechnics ;

    最佳拌料方法为堆积通氧 发酵

  • Experimental study on zymotechnics of orange vinegar

    柑桔保健 果醋酿制 工艺的研究

  • The separation of the fusel oil from the alcohol production by zymotechnics was studied in this article .

    本文 针对 发酵 生产酒精过程中产生的杂醇油进行了分离研究。

  • The zymotechnics of lotus yogurt and the changes of acidity reducing sugar amino acid lactobacillus number in fermentation process were studied .

    研究了莲子乳酸菌的 发酵 工艺及发酵过程中酸度,还原糖、氨基态氮含量,以及乳酸菌数的变化。