This policy had played an important historical role in uniting the nation consolidating frontier defense and promoting social and economic development in Xinjiang .
这对 统一国家、巩固边防,促进新疆社会和经济发展都发挥了重要的历史作用。
The possible paths of decreasing of the number of alliance block and final uniting are also presented .
也提及了联盟块个数递减乃至最终 一体化的可能路径。
That life-saving goal is what we in this international gathering are uniting to achieve .
我们在这一次国际会议上 团结 一致,就是为了实现这一拯救生命的目标。
In cities we should first and foremost establish trade unions and organizations for uniting educated youth .
在城市则应首先注意建立工会和 团结知识青年的组织。
Love finds a way to overcome all obstacles to uniting with the beloved no matter the cost .
爱能够有方法克服一切阻碍,不计代价与所爱的 对象 联合。
This article attempts to expound the importance and necessity of uniting technology and humanity .
本文试图从人文、技术方面阐述其 走向 融合的必要性及重要性。
She hailed her predecessors Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl for uniting Europe and Germany .
她称赞她的前辈,康拉德阿登纳和赫尔穆特科尔, 团结了欧洲和德国。
Grand nationalism means : uniting all nationalities including the Manchurians to construct a national community and state ;
“大民族主义”的基本内涵是: 联合包括满族在内的中国境内各民族以构建民族共同体和民族国家;
A system like this that worked flawlessly would go a long way in uniting the world .
这样的一个系统能够完美的将整个世界 联系在一起。
The principle of relying on poor peasants and farm labourers and uniting with middle peasants had to be grasped .
(四)掌握依靠贫雇农、 团结中农的原则。
This convention expanded to discussions of the possibility of all the British colonies uniting into one nation .
在那里,大会广泛讨论了 联合所有 英属殖民地 建立一个国家的可能性。
Our flag is the mark of one country one people uniting under one banner .
我们的国旗标志着一个国家及 全体人民在一面旗帜下 团结 一心。
This attitude is the manifestation of Party spirit the Marxist-Leninist style of uniting theory and practice .
这种态度,就是党性的表现,就是理论和实际 统一的马克思列宁主义的作风。
These two principles are the basis for building our country and uniting all our people in a common struggle .
这是我们立国和 团结全国人民奋斗的根本。
During this period people continued to work and there were instances of workers uniting to better their condition .
这一时期人们继续工作并且出现了工人 联合 起来 争取更好劳动条件的例子。
He succeeded in uniting both the left and right wings of the party .
他成功地 把党内的左翼和右翼 联合了 起来。
The method also supports uniting several SCA engines into the enterprise service bus ( ESB ) .
方法还支持 将一些SCA“引擎”集成到企业服务总线(ESB)之中。
This is my kind of transaction uniting two world-class organisations and delivering shareholder value Mr Buffett said .
巴菲特说:这就是我青睐的那种交易, 合并两个世界级的组织,实现股东价值。
He 's become obsessed with uniting the galaxy under a single ruler .
他开始陷入统治整个星系的 幻想中了。
Pay attention to uniting and working with comrades who differ with you .
注意 团结那些和你意见不同的同志一起工作。
Be good at uniting a thought in emancipatory thought with the practice with developing Marxism new guidance .
善于在解放思想中 统一思想,用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践。
The act of uniting or the state of being united .
联合联合的行动或被 联合的状态。
You will bring civilization to these people uniting them under your banner .
你将带领这些民众 走进衣冠 文物,将他们 统一在你的旗帜下。
The model can reduce redundant managements and simplify structure of grid system through uniting physical grid nodes .
该模型通过物理网格节点的 联合,来消除管理上的冗余,简化网格系统结构。
Pay more attention to uniting and working with those who differ with you .
更注意 团结那些与自己意见不同的人一道工作。
She 's dividing us not uniting us !
她在分化我们,而不是 团结我们!
Like the internet English is uniting the world marketplace .
就像网际网路一样,英语 结合了全球的市场。
v.团结(使)联合,合并,统一( unite的现在分词 )(为某事)联合,联手,团结