typhoid cholera

[ˈtaɪˌfɔɪd ˈkɑlərə][ˈtaɪˌfɔɪd ˈkɔlərə]


  • As food / water borne infectious diseases the causative and influential factors for occurrence and transmission of typhoid / paratyphoid and cholera are complicated and associated with a variety of natural and social reasons .

    伤寒/副伤寒、 霍乱是食源性/水源性传染病,暴发流行与多种自然因素和社会因素有关。

  • Also this study provided scientific evidence regarding the impacts of climate shifts on enteric infections which may benefit for the prevention and control of typhoid / paratyphoid fever and cholera as well as boost the public health level of our country .

    同时为我国的 伤寒/副伤寒、 霍乱防治工作提供了科学依据。

  • Until a little under a century ago public drinking water carried with it the risk of typhoid fever or cholera .

    在不到1个世纪以前,公共饮用水还携带着感染 伤寒或者 霍乱的风险。

  • Among the three kinds of notifiable infectious diseases there are 6 diseases - dysentery typhoid and paratyphoid fever measles viral hepatitis cholera malaria in order in all the diseases .

    在3类传染病中,发病率在前6位的依次为:痢疾、 伤寒和副伤寒、麻疹、病毒性肝炎、 霍乱、疟疾。

  • There are three main diseases of this country sir : typhoid cholera and election fever .

    先生,这个国家有三种主要疾病: 伤寒霍乱和选举狂热。

  • The lack of clean water may help to create the conditions for diseases such as hepatitis typhoid and cholera to flourish .

    缺少清洁水可能会滋生各种疾病,如肝炎、 伤寒 霍乱

  • Within a few years the causative organisms of typhoid Asiatic cholera and many other diseases were grown in pure culture .

    在几年的时间内,人们培养出了 伤寒、亚洲 霍乱和其他疾病的线细菌。

  • It should be borne in mind that in epidemics of some diseASes such AS typhoid and cholera vaccination is relatively ineffective .

    应该记住,某些疾病如 伤寒 霍乱流行采用免疫接种效果较差。

  • Not only can these creatures deliver nasty bites and bumps but they can also carry a ton of diseases like E.coli leprosy typhoid polio cholera and tuberculosis .

    这些生物不但会脏兮兮地咬你一口让你身上长疱,还携带大量的疾病,如 布氏菌(E.coli)、麻疯病、 伤寒 、脊髓灰质炎、 霍乱和肺结核。

  • Typhoid / paratyphoid fever and cholera two common acute gastrointestinal diseases presents serious public health problems in developing countries .

    伤寒/副伤寒和 霍乱是常见的急性消化道传染病,是发展中国家的严重公共卫生问题。

  • I 've got measles typhoid cholera .

    那有麻疹、 伤寒霍乱等。

  • Based on the incidence data of county as the unit the GIS database of typhoid / paratyphoid and cholera epidemics were established by linking these data to digital maps at different spatiotemporal scales .

    通过在不同时空尺度上建立发病率与地理信息数据的关联,创建了我国 伤寒/副伤寒及 霍乱流行的地理信息数据库。