In the good old days you accomplished this task by manually instrumenting each function to emit a unique symbol at its entry point and at each of its exit points .
在过去,都是通过在函数的入口处和退出处插入一个 惟一 的 符号来手工检测每个函数的。
License plate is the unique legal symbol that is issued by the traffic administration department .
机动车牌照是交通管理机关颁发给机动车的 唯一合法 标志,在交通管理中机动车牌照有 着 重要作用。
Chinese herbal medicines are used as traditional unique drugs to prevent and cure the diseases which also is an important symbol of Chinese medicine different from other medical .
中草药是中医预防治疗疾病所使用的 独特药物,也是中医区别于其他医学的重要 标志。
Technically it has unique plot and its artistic methods depart from traditional island fictions . By employing symbol irony and parody Golding makes the novel depart from the traditional ones .
表现手段上,小说有着 独特的情节, 象征,反讽和戏仿的应用使它脱离传统的荒岛作品的艺术手法。
Such a language has its own unique symbol it seems crazy in fact very rational looks like dementia but in fact contains wisdom .
这样一种语言有自己 独特 的 符号,看起来很疯狂,实际上很理智,貌似痴呆,实则蕴含着智慧。
As xiang is a unique cultural symbol of China it has become an obstacle in learning TCM among oversea students as well as domestic students with modern knowledge .
象是中国 独特的文化 符号,这些都是国外学生与现代知识背景下的国内学生学习中医的难点。
Specific analysis of theTanaka Noh poster design symbol is by no in the image grid color and form Tanaka unique design symbol .
具体分析了田中一光能剧招贴设计符号,是由能剧中的形象、方格、色彩、虚实组成了田中一光 特有的设计 符号。
Is a unique symbol Jade .
是翡翠的 特有 标志。
An Hua dwellings architecture has a unique style of mountain regions and eclectic symbol form and embodies residents ' living customs national character and cultural awareness accumulated over a long period of time .
安化民居建筑具有安化 独特的山区地域风格和不拘一格的 符号形态,凝聚着安化居民长期积累下来的生活习俗、民族性格和文化意识。
Teaching art is an art of highly individual character . Unique but distinct teaching style is not only a realm that teachers are trying to attain on purpose but also a symbol that symbolizes a teacher 's maturity in teaching art .
教学艺术是高度个性化的艺术, 独特而鲜明的教学风格既是教师刻意追求的最高教学境界,又是教师在教学艺术上高度成熟的 标志。
Modern real estate logo design has artistic features of unique beauties of symbol feature structure and simplicity .
现代楼盘标志设计具有 独特 的 符号美、特征美、结构美、单纯美等艺术特征。
Since festival tourism is increasingly prosperous national minority festival tourism has been received more and more attention with its unique ethnic cultural experience . Many local governments consider development of the national minority festival tourism as a symbol of promoting local tourism development .
随着节庆旅游的日益繁荣,少数民族节庆旅游因其 独特的民族文化体验价值,越来越受到人们的重视,许多地方政府将开发少数民族节庆旅游作为推动当地旅游业发展的 招牌。
It is a unique impressionistic approach to Chinese garden animals that the specific image of garden animals was expressed as a particular symbol by implication forms .
通过园林动物的具体形象以寓意的形式表达某一特定 意义是中国园林动物 独特而传统的写意手法。
In the social background of the increasingly cultural pluralism Huizhou folk graphic symbol unique culture education artistic determines the Huizhou folk graphic symbol of heritage and development of great significance .
在世界日趋文化多元化的社会大背景下,徽州民间图形符号 独特的文化性、教育性、艺术性决定了对徽州民间图形 符号的传承和发展重要意义。
Humor as a unique and typical way of communication for human beings is a spirit an attitude of life and a symbol of human intelligence .
幽默,作为人际交际中一种 独特而典型的沟通方式,是一种精神,是一种生活态度,是人类智慧的 象征。
Apparently the goblins'brush with slavery and death hasn 't wiped out their unique sensibilities and philosophies as they 'll actually reshape Azshara to look like the Horde symbol .
即使是奴役以及死亡的洗礼也显然无法抹去地精的那种 独一无二的敏感和人生哲学,虽然他们确实将艾萨拉改造成了部落 标志的样子。
Guild Hall is a unique symbol of Chinese culture .
会馆是中国 独有的文化 符号。
Finally he was a pioneer in the lyrical narrative of the novel presents the cultural symbolic lyrical sentences poetic language and the culture of classical charm together constitute a unique cultural symbol systems .
最后,是他先锋小说在抒情叙事上呈现出的文化象征意味。抒情性句式,诗化的语言以及古典的文化韵味共同构成了一个 独特的文化 象征系统。
It is more focused form of beauty shuffled around the representation of harassment focusing on the subjective feelings of the expression on the screen to form a unique decorative Symbol system can bring enough visual aesthetic needs .
它更注重形式美感,抛去了表象的繁缛,侧重作者主观感受的表达,在画面上形成一种 独特的装饰性 符号体系,能给人带来足够的视觉审美需求。
Chinese typography which presents an unique cultural personality is an important symbol of information and cultural embodiment .
在中国,汉字作为重要的信息 传播 符号和文化载体,呈现出 独特的文化个性。
More than 20 years ' writing experience makes him belong to the frontier literary writers . With a keen sensibility of life constantly innovating and changing writing style unique and vivid description he becomes an important symbol of contemporary literature .
20多年笔耕不辍,一直站在文学创作前沿的他,以对生活的敏锐感受力,不断求新求变的文体, 独特生动、寓意深远的文字,成为中国当代文坛的一个重要 标志。
Human being is a kind of immaterial animal and seeking for the living meaning is our unique characteristic and symbol of healthy psychology .
人是一种精神动物,寻找活着的意义是人类 独有的特征和健康心理的 标志。
Whenever the predicted symbol is unique there is no need to encode it as the decoder generates the same model from the DTD and thus can generate the unique expected symbol .
只要预测到符号是独特的,就不需要对其进行编码,因为解码器从DTD生成相同的模型,从而可以生成 独特的预期 符号。
In some senses Yan'an was not only a place but also a bearer of a episode of profound and hard history also a unique symbol of specific historical period and of its culture .
从某种意义上来讲,延安不仅仅是一个地名,更多地它负载着一段深厚而又艰辛的历史,更是一个历史时期及其文化的 独特 象征。
And for those who are currently riven by conflict like Ivory coast but whose World Cup team is a unique and powerful symbol of national unity it inspires nothing less than the hope of national rebirth .
对于那些由于冲突而被分裂的国家,比如象牙海岸来说,它们的足球队是国家统一的 特殊而有力的 象征,它激起的决不仅仅只是国家重生的希望。
NATO is the unique international organization of military politics as well as the symbol of militarily realizing strategic alliance for the capitalist countries .
北约,是当今世界 独一无二的国际政治军事集团组织,也是主要资本主义国家在军事上实现战略同盟的 标志。
In the study of the form and structure of Chinese characters it is of great significance to study the structural components including their unique symbol system or their unique function of expressing and recognition .
在汉字形体结构研究中,汉字构件功能研究无论是就其 符号 独特体系,还是汉字构件在表意和识认中的独特功用,都具有十分重要的意义。
美[juˈnik ˈsɪmbəl]英[ju:ˈni:k ˈsimbəl]
[计] 一致符号