The fly ash and the urban household waste are the two main components of the solid waste .
粉煤灰与 城市 生活垃圾是固体废物中两大主体。
Marketization and Income Distribution : Analyzing the 1988 and 1995 Urban Household Income Surveys
市场化与收入分配&对1988年和1995年 城市 住户收入调查的分析
This paper tests for the presence of habit formation using urban household data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey .
本文利用“中国营养与健康调查”数据对中国 城镇 居民 消费中的“习惯形成”效应进行了研究。
This not only increases the difficulty of rural and urban household registration management but also caused a series of economic and social problems making the Countryside linked account difficult to integrate into local life loss of sense of belonging to the community for survival .
这既增加了 城乡 户籍管理的难度,也引发了一系列的经济社会问题,使得农村空挂户难以真正融入当地生活,失去了对生存社区的归属感。
This paper has analyzed the existing problems explored the countermeasures and instruct rural household to have correct information consumption consciousness through urban household survey on the current information consumption situation .
本文通过调查 家庭信息消费现状,分析了存在的问题,探讨了相应的对策,引导家庭树立正确的信息消费意识。
Also we have concluded that the change of social economic system and consumption culture development have been promoted the beibu gulf economic zone of urban household consumption lifestyle changes .
同时得出社会经济体制的变迁和消费文化的发展促进了北部湾经济区 城市 居民消费生活方式的变迁。
Over the past five years urban household incomes grew at a 13.2 per cent compound annual growth rate compared with an 11.9 per cent CAGR in home prices .
过去5年, 城市 家庭收入的复合年增长率达13.2%,而房价的复合年增长率为11.9%。
Econometric analysis and application on urban household water use
城镇 居民 生活用水的计量经济学分析与应用实例
The Application of Multistep Water Price in Urban Household Water Demand Regulation biochemical oxygen demand meter for seawater
阶梯式计量水价在 城市 居民 生活用水需求管理中的应用海水生化需氧量测定仪
Chapter 2 : It is a description and analysis on gross urban household savings and its structure in Jiangsu province by using research data .
第二章通过使用调查资料,对江苏省 城镇 居民 家庭储蓄总量和结构进行描述和分析。
The main content of the project is the system that every urban household should has one ammeter .
配网改造工程的主要内容之一是 城镇 居民 住宅的一 户一表工程。
Analysis on economic countermeasures of the urban household garbage recycling treatment of Wuhan city
武汉市 城市 生活垃圾资源化处理的经济对策分析
Energy Requirement Induced by Urban Household Consumption in China
中国 城镇 居民 生活消费诱发的完全能源消耗
Research on the Efficiency of China 's Social Security System on Urban Household Saving
中国社会保障制度对 城镇 居民储蓄影响研究
The trpical Chinese urban household consists of three members & father mother and child .
在中国一般的 城市 家庭由三个成员组成&父亲、母亲和孩子。
The paper puts forward operable suggest of industrialization of urban household refuse treatment on the basis of practical situation .
本文从 城市 生活垃圾处理的实际情况出发,提出了城市生活垃圾处理产业化的对策和建议,有很强的操作性,可以指导实际。
Urban household incomes are more than three times rural ones the highest differential in the world and coastal incomes more than double those in the interior .
中国 城市 家庭的收入是农村家庭的3倍多(居世界之首),沿海收入比内陆高出1倍多。
The price elasticity and income elasticity of urban household water demand in Shenzhen are analyzed by applying econometric method according to the in-house investigation data .
价格是影响用水的最主要因素之一。本文应用入户调查的数据,应用计量经济学方法分析了深圳市 城镇 居民 生活用水的价格弹性和收入弹性;
Life-cycle based model is established to assess the environmental impact of sustainable consumption . Using this model taking 2000 year as example we analyzed the ecological impact of Chinese urban household consumption .
建立了基于生命周期分析方法的可持续消费评价模型,并对2000年中国 城市 家庭消费行为的生态影响进行了分析,比较了不同消费行为对生态影响的贡献。
An Analysis on the Imbalanced and Source of Urban Household Economic Development
都市 农户经济发展不平衡性及根源的分析
Carrying on the urban household garbage recycling treatment is one of the important links of developing circular economy . It can not only resolve the problem of urban ecology and environment but also obtain some resources that the city 's development needed .
对 城市 生活垃圾进行资源化处理,不仅有利于解决城市生活垃圾所带来的城市生态环境问题,而且能够获取部分城市发展所需的资源,是发展循环经济的重要环节之一。
On the Stepped-pricing Model of Urban Household Water Consumption
城市 居民用水阶梯定价模式研究
A Study on the Consumption Behavior of Urban Household in Guangdong
广东 城镇 居民消费行为模式研究
Research of fertilization using urban household garbage in countryside
农村土壤利用 城市 生活垃圾施肥的调查研究
Coal use accounts for large percentages of both industrial energy consumption and urban household energy use .
工业能源消耗和 城市 生活能电占用了大量的煤炭。
While property prices have been rising by some 10 per cent a year incomes have risen even faster urban household income grew 17 per cent over the last 12 months .
尽管房地产价格以每年约10%的速度上涨,但居民收入增速更快过去12个月,中国 城镇 家庭收入增长17%。
美[ˈɚbən ˈhaʊsˌhold]英[ˈə:bən ˈhaushəuld]
[法] 城市户口