


  • China has had a generous pension scheme that is largely unfunded and runs on a pay-as-you-go ( PAYG ) basis .

    中国一直采取慷慨的养老金方案。该方案在很大程度上 没有 基金储备,以现收现付的形式运作。

  • Funded or unfunded a pension scheme is a claim on a future generation .

    不论 设立 基金,退休金都 依靠下一代来支付。

  • In the meantime it is possible to calculate enormous measures of unfunded obligations and it does not matter .

    同时,计算 资金 准备债务的巨大规模是可能的,不过这并不重要。

  • Yet the funding advantage of issuing copious ious in the global reserve currency now faces its biggest test as the US budget deficit hits 13 per cent of gross domestic product and unfunded liabilities reach four times GDP .

    然而,随着美国预算赤字突破国内生产总值(gdp)的13%, 资金 准备的债务达到gdp的4倍,美国大量开具全球储备货币“欠条”的资金优势如今面临着最重大挑战。

  • These unfunded wars they got us into are bleeding America dry !

    这些他们把我们 卷入 基金的战争,将把美国的血流干。

  • The Tories'decision to oppose all unfunded tax cuts is a classic example of cutting off your nose to spite your face .

    保守党决定反对一切 借款减税行为,这就是典型的损人不利己。

  • Unfunded regular program activities


  • The fiscal challenges for the weaker members of the eurozone are early warnings as are analogous problems in American state governments weighed down by unfunded pension and healthcare liabilities .

    实力较弱的欧元区成员国所面临的财政挑战便是早期预警,美国一些州政府所面临的类似问题也是如此&这些州政府被养老金与医保债务 资金 缺口 过气来。

  • Mr Palmer reported that the present value of unfunded liabilities of us medicine and social security is $ 137tn .

    帕尔默声称,美国医疗和社会保障项目的 资金 准备负债的现值达到137万亿美元。

  • New Jersey New York Connecticut and Illinois are all pay-as-you go states with totally unfunded opeb liabilities .

    新泽西州、纽约州、康涅狄格州和伊利诺伊州的OPEB债务都是即付式,完全 没有 资金储备。

  • The load is rising quickly ; the unfunded pension burden has jumped 50 % in the past year .

    债务负担正在迅速增长;过去一年, 养老金 缺口 扩大了50%。

  • Unfunded employee social benefits


  • Under any realistic forecast it faces lingering deficits and large unfunded pension and healthcare obligations .

    所有现实的预测均显示,它面临挥之不去的财政赤字、经费严重 不足 养老金与医保责任。

  • The news came as Ben Bernanke Fed chairman warned in stark terms of the long-term threat to us prosperity posed by the soaring cost of unfunded entitlement programmes such as Medicare and social security .

    数据发布之际,美联储主席本伯南克(benbernanke)发出严词警告,称联邦医疗保险制度(medicare)和社会保障体系等 政府补贴计划成本飙升,将对美国的繁荣构成长期威胁。

  • When this process is impaired in particular when the financial system extracts more value than it channels to investors and entrepreneurs projects go unfunded innovation sputters and economies stall .

    假如这个过程受损,特别是假如金融体系本身提取的价值超过它向投资者和企业家提供的价值,那么创业项目将得不到 资金,创新的势头将会减弱,经济将陷入停滞。

  • China has unfunded pension liabilities resulting from the collapse of state enterprises that once guaranteed cradle-to-grave support for workers .

    由于许多为工人提供终身保障的国有企业倒闭,中国的养老体系 出现 资金 缺口

  • Rising inequality unfunded pensions and bad schools are not new problems .

    社会不平等加剧, 养老金 经费 不足、教学 质量 下降 历史遗留问题。

  • Unfunded or partially funded plans : accumulated assets do not cover liabilities .


  • Big deficits unfunded future liabilities or worries about them could cause inflation expectations to slip from their anchor .

    巨额赤字、 资金 保障的未来债务或者对上述情况的担忧,都有可能导致通胀预期升温。

  • US national debt has risen to $ 14000bn and the unfunded liabilities of social security and Medicare combined are now more than $ 1 00000 BN . How can this be financed without further devaluation ?

    美国的国家债务已升至14万亿美元,社保和美国联邦医疗保险( medicare)的 资金缺口目前合计超过100万亿美元。如何能在美元不进一步贬值的情况下为这些债务融资?

  • Now the Obama administration put32 million people into Medicare and Medicaid and a portion of this is unfunded mandate for the states .

    现在奥巴马又把3千2百万的人加入到这个医疗保险计划中,而且其中有很大一部分是来自各州的 尚无 着落 资金

  • Such reforms could limit the ability of today 's electorate to vote itself unfunded benefits .

    采取这些改革措施,也许会限制当今选民为自己 争取 资金 支持福利的能力。

  • This leaves current generations free to vote large and unfunded public benefits for themselves and to bequeath massive public debts to future ones .

    这样一来,当代人就可随意为自己争取大量 资金支持的公共福利,却把巨额公共债务留给后人。

  • High out-of-pocket payments and user fees with unfunded exemptions limit access to health services for the poor .

    高额的预算外开支以及由于 没有 经费 无法免除的使用税限制了穷人享用医疗服务。

  • Moreover unfunded liabilities there are tiny compared with the developed world and household balance sheets are healthy .

    此外, 资金 准备负债相比发达国家 几乎忽略 不计,家庭部门的资产负债状况也十分健康。

  • There is no quick fix to deal with the billions in unfunded liabilities .

    消解数十亿美元 资金 准备的债务,没有什么快速解决之道。