Researches on the Establishment of Chronic Uratic Nephropathy Models and the Effect of TCM on these Models
慢性 尿 酸性肾病动物模型研究及中医药对其的影响
Following contents were reviewed in this article : More and more experimental studies related with chronic uratic nephropathy were carried out in recent years .
近年来,慢性 尿 酸性肾病的实验研究逐渐增多, 人们主要从 基因 重组、 抑制 尿酸 排泄、促进血 尿酸产生几方面来复制动物模型。
The images of double kidneys were slightly ampliative or normal in 1 ease of patient with diabetes 1 with uratic nephritis as well as 1 with progressive systemic sclerosis .
1例糖尿病、1例 尿 酸性肾炎、1例系统性进行性硬化症,双肾影稍增大或大小正常。
Observation on 56 Cases of Uratic Nephropathy Treated with Method Based on Overall Analysis of Symptoms and Sings
辨证治疗 尿 酸性肾病56例观察
The characteristics of goat are hyperuricemia characteristic recurrent acute arthritis gouty tophus sedimentation chronic arthritis and joint deformity which cause chronic nephritis and uratic nephrolithiasis .
其临床特点为高尿酸血症,特征性反复发作的急性关节炎、痛风石沉积、痛风石性慢性关节炎和关节畸形,常累及肾脏引起慢性 间 质性肾炎和 尿 酸性肾结石形成。
Fifty cases of uratic nephropathy were divided into four groups and treated with the method of overall analysis of sumptoms and signs in traditional Chinese medicine The result showed that 21 is obvious 27 effective and 8 ineffective .
将56例 尿 酸性肾病分为四型进行辩证治疗,结果显效21例,有效27例,无效8例,总有效率为85.71%。
[医] 尿酸盐的