This means writing down shareholders and converting uninsured and unsecured debt into equity when banks cannot raise the capital they need .
也就是说,当银行无法募集到需要的资金时,需要对股东减记,将 没有 保险和无担保的债务转变为股票。
Now I freelance when I can and my entire family except for my mom is uninsured .
现在我是个自由职业者。家里人除了我妈妈,都 没 买 医保。
Illegal or uninsured vehicles will not be allowed on site .
非法或不 安全的车辆不得进入现场。
The federal government and states started websites for millions of uninsured Americans to buy health plans or pay a tax penalty .
联邦政府和各州开设网站,以便于数百万 未 投保的美国人购买健康计划或支付税务罚款。
Uninsured people can be bankrupted by big medical bills .
高额的医疗费会让 未 参保者变得倾家荡产。
A comparative analysis on medical expenses between insured and uninsured inpatients
医保患者和 自费患者住院医疗费用比较分析
I know hospitals rely on these payments now because of the large number of uninsured patients they treat .
我知道,医院常常会依赖于这些支付,因为他们收治的这些 无 保险者的人数 往往 十分可观。
The program approved in1997 covers uninsured children whose families earn too much to fall under Medicaid the joint state-federal health care service for the poor .
该项计划在97年通过,针对在医疗费用负担太大却 没有儿童医疗保险家庭,也包括穷人的洲-国家联合医疗项目。
It may also include health-care aid for the poor and uninsured & a down payment on one of Mr Obama 's more costly promises .
还可能包括对穷人和 没有 保险 的 人 实施医疗救助-奥巴马另一个耗资甚 巨的承诺的前奏。
In the New York Times yesterday President Barack Obama emphasised to Americans happy with their healthcare that reform would bring more protection and lower costs affecting them as well as 46m uninsured .
奥巴马总统昨天在《纽约时报》上撰文,对那些满足于现行医保安排的美国人强调,改革将带来更多的保护和更低的成本,既影响到他们,也影响到4600万目前 无 医保 的 人。
Employers will pay a fine for each uninsured worker .
对于每一位 未 参保职员,雇主都要缴纳罚款。
Suppose we use 5 percent uninsured as a benchmark . How much progress have we made toward getting there ?
如果以5%的 未 参保 人口 比例为基准。我们已经取得多大进步?
After the fire they discover that the hotel is uninsured .
火灾发生后,他们发现饭店未 办理 过火灾 保险。
From an investment perspective these returns may seem crazy ; but they are still attractive to cash managers because T-bills are liquid and most crucially seem less risky than uninsured bank deposits .
从投资角度看,这样的回报水平可能显得太过疯狂;但美国国债对现金管理部门仍有吸引力,因为其流动性强,而且更为关键的是,它的风险低于 没有 保险的银行存款。
My second proposal is to help the states that are coming up with innovative ways to cover the uninsured .
我第二项建议是,帮助各州以创新的方法帮助 无 保险 的 人。
But 50m uninsured Americans could go broke today if they fall seriously ill .
没有 医保的5000万美国人现在一旦要是患上重病,马上就可能破产。
President Bush you may remember was notably unconcerned with the plight of the uninsured .
大家记得,布什总统对 没有 医疗 保险的人是众所周知的漠不关心。
For the study participants mainly young uninsured women gave urine samples before and after working at least four hours .
参加这项工作的主要是年轻 未 保险的女性,她们提供上班前和上班至少四小时后的尿样。
As part of the deal Cyprus agreed to confiscate 40 percent or more from the biggest uninsured accounts above $ 130 to help pay for the rescue .
作为救助贷款协议的一部分,塞浦路斯同意对存款超过13万美元的 未 投保帐户征用40%或更多的金额,以帮助满足获得紧急援助资金的条件。
In times of illness more and more people just show up in emergency rooms which increases crowding and slashes revenues as bills to the uninsured go unpaid .
在生病的时候,越来越多的人出现在急症室,这增加了人员拥挤,因为 没有 保险的人们的账单 没 人付,削减了收入。
Some of Obama 's initiatives will provide short-term relief to both the uninsured and underinsured .
奥巴马的举措中的一些将提供短期救济 未 投保和保险额不足的双方。
More than one million previously uninsured pregnant women and children now have basic health insurance and secure access to services .
100多万名以前 未上 保险的孕妇和儿童现在得到了基本医疗保险和可靠的服务。
But they are not the only states concerned with reducing the ranks of the uninsured .
但是关注降低 无 保 人员 数目的不只这两个州。
These people are among the fastest growing subgroup of uninsured today .
今天,这些人 加入了 未 保险的行列的速度是最快的。
And in the past year alone about 10 million uninsured Americans finally gained the security of health coverage .
仅在去年一年,就有大约一千万 没有 医保的美国人终于得到医疗保险。