unified budget


  • According to the Unified National Budget Quanta of Installation Engineering and the standards of boiler water quality analyses the damage of machine oil and lead oil left in construction to the heating system and other heat users . Gives methods of controlling the oil quantity in boiler water .

    依据全国 统一安装工程 预算定额和锅炉水质标准,分析了供暖系统和其他热用户施工中的机油、铅油等油污杂质的影响及危害,提出了控制锅炉给水含油量的意义和对策。

  • Thus a set of university educational cost calculating mode which is normative unified and easy to be manipulated should be built to link up the budget accounting system used now .

    因此就需要构建一套与现行 预算会计制度相衔接、规范 统一、可操作性强的高校教育成本核算模式。

  • However the lack of IT support and the unified data & haring platform lead traditional comprehensive budget management have ill capability for transforming the corporate strategic planning to execution .

    但是传统的全面 预算管理由于没有信息技术的支持,缺少 统一的数据共享平台,全面 预算管理的作用不能有效发挥,阻碍了企业战略规划向执行力的转化。

  • In this system of unified leadership and classified management it is crucial to strengthen the budget management .

    统一领导,分级管理的财务管理体制下,加强 预算分级管理更为关键。

  • Due to the conflict between the diverse needs and the unified decision-making in budget management on the one hand special funds have been allocated unfairly and inefficient on the other hand the township government needs financing to provide public services .

    由于 预算管理中的 统一决策与地方多元需求的矛盾,一方面专项资金被分配不公平与低效率,另一方面,乡镇政府需要通过融资的方法来提供公共服务。