unique information

[juˈnik ˌɪnfɚˈmeʃən][ju:ˈni:k ˌɪnfəˈmeiʃən]

[计] 唯一信息

  • However some organizations may need to create unique information management policies with limited applicability to address specific situations .

    但是,有些组织可能需要创建具有有限适用性的 独有 信息管理策略,以便处理特定情况。

  • Identity-based cryptography is a public key system in which the public key of a user is some unique information about the identity of the user rather than the traditional public key infrastructure takes certificate authenticates as the public key .

    基于身份加密是一种以用户的身份 标识符作为公钥的 加密体制,而不像传统公钥基础设施(PKI)那样要求用户使用数字证书作为用户的公钥,这样可以简化系统 管理

  • Because this operation requires unique information about the recipient message encryption provides confidentiality .

    由于此操作需要有关收件人的 唯一 信息,因此邮件加密提供了保密性。

  • As a carrier of culture Manchu residence like a mirror to reflect some unique information such as specific historical period certain geographic and specific national history lifestyle religious beliefs and aesthetic art .

    作为文化的载体,满族民居犹如一面镜子回照着特定历史时期、特定地域以及特定民族的历史文化、生活习俗、宗教信仰和艺术审美等 特有 信息

  • All of this is unique information .

    所有的这些都是 独一无二 信息

  • Both tacit cultural semantics and explicit cultural semantics contain some unique ethnic cultural information of a nation .

    无论是显性文化语义还是隐性文化语义,都蕴含着一个民族 独特的文化 信息

  • At present our country banking provide financial services products the market localization are familiar community Banks with its unique information advantage can accord enterprise and residents of personalized feature personalized service this to promote financial structure optimization are of positive significance .

    目前我国银行业提供的金融服务产品、市场定位都大同小异,社区银行以其 独特 信息优势,可以根据企业和居民的个性化特征提供个性化服务,这对于推进金融结构的优化有积极的意义。

  • On a federated system unique index information might be required to perform an UPDATE / DELETE operation for some data sources .

    在一个联邦系统上,为了为某些数据源执行UPDATE/DELETE操作,需要 惟一的索引 信息

  • It provides unique information complementary to those achievable using the conventional techniques such as FPP ( four point probe ) TEM AFM SEM and XRD .

    它可以提供一些非常重要的,于传统表征技术,如四探针法,TEM, AFM,SEM及XRD,相辅助的 信息

  • Colleges and universities have built a network of teaching that has a unique advantage of information technology .

    在高等学校中, 信息技术的应用占有 很大的优势,建设网络教学的工作逐渐产生。

  • Conclusions The value of pH metabolism of phospholipid and energy exist characteristic changes in various-phased infarcts . 31P MRS can provide unique biochemical information for optimizing therapeutics scheme .

    结论脑梗死不同时相pH值、能量及其磷脂代谢物呈现特征性的变化,31PMRS能为优化脑梗死个性化的治疗方案提供 独特的生化 信息

  • Tags have the unique ID information .

    标签具有 唯一的ID 信息

  • Individuals with unique but important information are often afraid to share it while others are not prepared to listen .

    个人如果拥有 独特却重要的 信息往往不敢与人共享,而其它人也不准备倾听。

  • In order for machines to effectively exploit information every unique schema of information needs to be standardised in a media type and for those media types to be individually identified .

    为使计算机有效地挖掘信息以及多媒体类型能够被个性化地标识,多媒体类型 信息中的任何 唯一的格式都应该标准化。

  • Reading such a tag delivers unique information about the drug package as it moves through the supply chain .

    当药品在供应链中转移时,通过读取这种标签提供关于药品的 惟一 信息

  • Reflection of Chinese traditional culture and Han culture spirit connotation rhetoric is an important way of art containing culture-specific elements and transmit a unique information of Han culture .

    修辞作为语言表达上的一种重要艺术手段,更加包含了丰富的文化因素,体现了我们中华民族的文化传统,折射 汉文化 独特的精神内涵,传递出一种 属于汉民族的 特殊 信息

  • As the unique information technology the operation management and the channel of buying or marketing ability core competition is a unique capability which can not be imitated .

    核心竞争力作为企业所 具有 独特 信息技术、经营管理、进货渠道或市场营销的能力,它是企业所独具的能力,是竞争对手无法模仿的。

  • Through the USB enumeration the unique identifier information of U disk was obtained and it was displayed on the hyperterm program .

    通过USB总线枚举方式,逐一 识别介质 唯一性标识并通过超级终端显示。

  • Therefore if the unique source of information on the system is not in the mere source code how can we rebuild its architecture ?

    因此,如果关于系统的 信息 唯一来源不在起码的源代码中,那么我们如何能够重新构建其架构?

  • Meanwhile the years of investment and accumulation to a very unique out of information technology development .

    同时,十年的投入与积累,也使其走出了一条极具 特色 信息化发展之路。

  • With so much unique information contained in the blogosphere one is tempted to ask : Where is this information is cataloged tracked tagged and available for search ?

    由于博客圈包含了大量各不 相同 信息,有人不禁会问:这些信息在什么地方进行分类、跟踪和标记以供搜索呢?

  • The power line medium used in many homes for home automation and control represents a unique source of information about the activity occurring in that home .

    输电线用于许多家的媒介为家庭自动化和控制代表 独特 信息源关于发生在那个家的活动的。

  • Nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) logging is a concerning hot point in global logging circles in recent years for the unique information it provided can greatly enhance the ability of formation evaluation .

    核磁共振(NMR)测井是近年来全球测井界的关注热点,它所提供的 独特 信息,极大地增强了测井的地层评价能力。

  • Gossiping is a message propagating process over a networks whereby each node knows a unique item of information and needs to communicate it to every one else .

    谣传是信息网络中结点之间的一种常见的 重要 信息交换方式,在谣传过程中, 信息按一定的约束条件传递,最终使网络中所有结点都得到其他所有结点的信息。

  • In the paper the Hybrid Projection onto to Convex Sets ( HPOCS ) scheme for video superresolution reconstruction is proposed which aims to integrate slightly different but unique information in temporally adjacent video frames to generate much higher resolution reconstruction frames .

    提出混合凸集投影算法 HPOCS对视频图像进行超分辨率重建,利用连续视频图像间的互异 信息生成更高分辨率的视频图像。

  • The answers are timely and unique to the Information Age and the promise of a National Information Infrastructure .

    这些问题的答案对于 信息时代和国家信息基础设施的未来是及时而 独特的。

  • CONCLUSION : Using 3D finite element models method to analyze the mechanical trait of osteoporotic centrum is feasible and can gain some unique information Moreover the conclusions are credible .

    结论:应用三维有限元法分析骨质疏松椎体的力学特性是切实可行的并能获得 独特 信息,结果可信。