


  • In meiosis the pollen mother cells that abnormally acted made up about 10.28 % and the male gametophytes abnormally acted at a frequency of 3.2 % and mainly aborted at uninucleate stage .

    减数分裂过程中染色体行为异常的花粉母细胞约占10.28%;雄配子体发育过程中异常频率约为3.2%,败育主要发生在 期。

  • The results showed that the microspore abortion occurred at the stage of microspore mother cell tetrads and uninucleate microspore .

    结果表明,小孢子的败育发生在小孢子母细胞时期、四分体时期以及 小孢子时期。

  • The mature female gametophyte comprise four cells ( an egg cell two synergids and a uninucleate central cell ) .

    成熟雌配子体由4细胞组成,即2助细胞,1卵细胞和 1中央细胞。

  • The uninucleate Rhizoctonia found first in China had pathogenicity to turf-grasses and crops which should be researched more in future . 8 .

    我国首次发现的 核类丝核菌对主要草坪禾草和作物都具有致病性,今后应做进一步的深入研究。

  • Isolated Microspore optimal culture period is the microspores in the late uninucleate stage .

    处于 末期的小孢子为游离培养的最佳时期。

  • The pathogenicity of uninucleate Rhizoctonia to main turf-grasses and crops was evaluated .

    测定了 核丝核菌对主要草坪禾草和作物的致病性。

  • The anthers of sterile plants ( homozygous and heterozygous ) lacked 2 isozyme bands of POD and COD compared with the fertile anthers and were 1 isozyme more band of EST than the fertile anthers at uninucleate stage .

    花药中,不育株(纯合与杂合)比可育株多1条EST、少2条POD和2条COD同工酶带,在 上述 特征

  • The uninucleate microspore stages and B5 medium with sucrose from 6 % to 13 % were optimal for callus induction .

    小孢子 为适宜的诱导时期,培养基以6%~13%蔗糖浓度的B5培养基较好;

  • When the length of petal is 0 ~ 2mm longer or shorter than the base of the sepal split most microspores were at uninucleate stage . It 's suitable for isolated microspore culture of eggplant .

    当花瓣长与花蕾萼裂基部之差在0~2mm时,花药内小孢子多数处于 期,适于茄子游离小孢子的培养。

  • Therefore we inferred that the ectopic expression of AOX1 α in both uninucleate and binucleate anther stage was impacted on the pathway of cyanide-resistant respiration thus result in the abortion of anthers . 2 .

    因此,推测AOX1α基因在生理型不育系 和二核期的异常表达,可能影响了花药发育过程中抗氰呼吸途径,导致呼吸代谢紊乱,引起花药败育。

  • No fusion of the two nuclei in binucleate cells as well as the process of meiosis are observed . Most of the basidiospores are uninucleate and about 5 % are binucleate .

    未见到双核的融合及减数分裂过程。绝大部分担孢子是 的,有约5%的担孢子是双核的。

  • The intine of the pollen began to form in the middle stage of uninucleate microspore .


  • Haploid plantlet and callus were induced from the anther culture of Dioscorea zingiberensis as the explant at the stag of later uninucleate period .

    处于 期的盾叶薯蓣花药为材料,经愈伤组织途径成功获得单倍体盾叶薯蓣新材料。

  • Cytological observation on the transgenic plants indicated that abortion of microspore development occurred at the stages of from tetrads to uninucleate .


  • But it was reverse to the panicles under short day induction from 7.58 % at the late uninucleate stage to 40.58 % at the filling stage of pollen .

    反之,在短日诱导的可育植株中,则从 花粉 晚期的7.58%,增加到花粉充盈期的40.58%。

  • The results showed that it was necessary to isolate microspores in the late uninucleate stage .

    结果表明: 靠边 小孢子是 诱导 胚胎 发生 最佳时期;

  • The bands and activity of POD and EST isozymes of anther from T type male sterile line are fewer or lower than those from its maintainer after uninucleate stage .

    而T型不育系POD和EST同功酶带数和活性 期之后少于或低于保持系 同功酶。

  • The treatments such as the selection of 50-70 % late uninucleate microspores density of 1.5-2 buds / dish and addition of 0.3mg/ml activated charcoal are helpful to microspore embryogenesis in Chinese cabbage and purple flowering stalk .

    选择 靠边 比率为 50-70%的小孢子,将密度设为1.5-2个花蕾/ml,添加0.3mg/ml活性炭有利于大白菜和红菜苔小孢子胚胎发生。

  • Most of the basidiospores are uninucleate and about 5 % are binucleate .

    绝大部分担孢子是 的,有约5%的担孢子是双核的。

  • The pathogenicity of uninucleate Rhizoctonia binucleate Rhizoctonia Rhizoctonia solani 、 Rhizoctonia oryzae and Rhizoctonia zeae to main turf-grasses were tested .

    10、本项研究测定了草坪褐斑病菌(包括立枯丝核菌、水稻丝核菌、 玉蜀黍丝核菌、禾谷丝核菌和 核类丝核菌)对主要草坪禾草的致病性。

  • Based on extrapolated organ shape criteria we select ears that are in uninucleate period carry out pretreatment in a 6 ~ 8 ℃ low-temperature condition for about 12 days and callus induction rate can be enhanced in this way .

    根据器官形态指标外推法选择 花粉 发育 处于 靠边 穗,进行6 ̄8℃低温预处理12d左右,可提高愈伤组织诱导率;

  • The microstructure of the lamella hymenia spore-bearing mycelia the filaments and powdery hyphae of the uninucleate and dicaryophytic hyphae were also described in detail .

    以及菌 褶子实层、 菌丝、双核菌丝中的丝状菌丝、粉状菌丝和产孢菌丝团的显微构造;