


  • Through a combined strategy of legal action and international pressure it is possible China will revisit its undervaluation of the RMB .

    由法律行动和国际组成的综合策略,中国有检讨它对币汇率的 低估

  • This problem probably results in a large undervaluation of GDP in China compared to more developed economies .

    这个问题可能导致中国的GDP相对发达经济体 大幅 低估

  • A recent study by the US National Bureau of economic research concluded the current level of undervaluation was only about 10 per cent .

    美国国家经济研究局(nationalbureauofeconomicresearch)最近的一项研究总结道,目前, 人民币币值仅 低估了约10%。

  • In addition foreigners start complaining about the trade surpluses arguing that they are the unfair result of currency undervaluation .

    除此之外,国外开始抱怨贸易盈余,认为这是因为货币 低估的不公平竞争造成的。

  • The size of those tariffs would reflect the scale of the undervaluation .

    具体的税率体现了 低估的程度。

  • In this context three factors in particular have to be addressed in order to correct the widespread and massive undervaluation of risks : short-termism lack of transparency and excessive pro-cyclicality .

    在这种背景下,为了修正广泛的大规模风险 低估,有三个因素尤其要得到解决:短期主义、缺乏透明度和过度的顺周期性。

  • China has maintained this undervaluation with massive intervention in currency markets .

    通过大量干预外汇市场,中国维持着这种 低估 局面

  • I would argue that there are now three fundamental indicators of a significant undervaluation . First the scale of the required foreign currency intervention ;

    我认为,目前有三个基本指标表明,人民币汇率 严重 低估了。

  • But there were to be orderly ways to unpeg parities that represented clear undervaluation or overvaluation .

    不过,要以有条不紊的方法来解冻存在的明显 低估或高估的比值。

  • Mr Brilliant said corporate America 's attitude had changed in response to a range of industrial policies pursued by Beijing including the undervaluation of the renminbi which made it harder for US companies to do business and compete with China .

    薄迈伦表示,针对北京方面推行的一系列产业政策,包括人民币 汇率 低估,美国企业界的态度已发生变化。人民币 低估加大了美国企业与中国做生意以及与中国竞争的难度。

  • Jean-Claude Juncker chairman of the group of eurozone finance ministers complained about the weakness of the dollar and the undervaluation of the Chinese renminbi .

    欧元区各国财长组成的欧元集团主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)抱怨美元走弱以及人民币 低估

  • We propose modernising US anti-dumping laws to account for currency undervaluation .

    我们提议更新美国的反倾销法,将汇率 低估 问题 纳入 法律 范畴

  • Jonathan Anderson of UBS suggests that the undervaluation is about 20 per cent .

    瑞银集团(ubs)的乔纳森安德森(jonathananderson)认为, 人民币 低估 幅度约为20%。

  • Persistent deliberate undervaluation works exactly like import tariffs combined with export subsidies .

    人民币长期蓄意 低估的功效,完全等同于进口关税加上出口补贴。

  • On the first estimates of the extent of undervaluation vary hugely : some even argue the renminbi is overvalued .

    首先,人们 对于 人民币 低估程度的估算大相径庭:一些人甚至宣称,人民币高估了。

  • Hence by the 1980s Japan was plagued with distortions currency undervaluation was just one .

    所以到20世纪80年代,日本经济已浑身布满扭曲,日元 低估只是其中之一。

  • The undervaluation of the renminbi has the same impact as an import tariff of 50 or 60 per cent .

    人民币 币值 低估,与征收50%或60%进口关税的影响相当。

  • And they have made little systematic use of explicit industrial policies that could act as a substitute for undervaluation .

    而他们并没有任何明确、系统性的工业政策来 防止 货币 汇率 下跌

  • Burgeoning energy output is cutting energy costs enhancing undervaluation .

    能源产量猛增 开始 能源价格, 从而增强了 汇率 低估 效果

  • Third the renminbi regime matters not so much because of any particular degree of undervaluation but because it sustains an economy wedded to underpriced capital excessive credit growth and artificially low interest rates .

    第三,人民币汇率机制之所以重要,与其说是因为人民币的具体 低估程度,倒不如说是因为它所支撑的经济体与资本价格低估、信贷过度增长和人为压低利率紧密相连。

  • Such a medium-run horizon would permit interventions to offset market volatility but avoid a country perpetuating a large undervaluation .

    这种中期视角将允许为抵消市场波动进行干预,但会阻止一国长期保持 汇率 严重 低估的情况。

  • The only real route left is to unilaterally slap tariffs on Chinese imports to compensate for alleged currency undervaluation .

    剩下的唯一真正手段,就是单方面对进口中国产品征收关税,以补偿其所称的汇率 低估 损失

  • Often overlooked is the fact that the renminbi is only pegged to the US dollar so its undervaluation against other currencies if it exists is the direct result of the dollar 's own devaluation .

    一个经常遭到忽视的事实是:既然人民币只盯住美元,那么人民币对其它货币如果存在 低估的话,就是美元自身贬值的直接结果。

  • The impetus for separation is usually a meaningful and persistent undervaluation of a portfolio of businesses .

    拆分的动力通常是一个业务组合 遭到重大而持续的 低估

  • I believe there will be upward pressure on the yuan for many years to come and I believe that the undervaluation of the currency is one of the many reasons why investors should have some exposure to Chinese equities .

    我认为,在未来的很多年里,人民币将会一直面临上行压力,而且我认为,人民币的 低估正是投资者为何要对中国股票进行一定程度投资的诸多原因之一。

  • But in those rare instances of substantial and persistent undervaluation we envisage a more effective delineation of responsibility with the IMF continuing to play a technical role in assessing when a country 's exchange rate was undervalued and the WTO assuming the enforcement role .

    但对于那些 汇率持续且 严重 低估的罕见案例,我们设想了一个更有效描述责任的方法IMF继续承担评估一国汇率何时被低估的技术角色,而WTO则承担执行角色。

  • Currency undervaluation by surplus countries is inhibiting needed international adjustment and creating spillover effects that would not exist if exchange rates better reflected market fundamentals .

    盈余国家的货币 低估抑制了必要的国际调整,造成了溢出效应。如果汇率能更好地反映市场基本面,这种效应应该不会存在。

  • Undervaluation of currencies and monetary easing were complicating problems and leading to a dangerous divergence of opinion among global leaders .

    汇率 低估和货币宽松政策让问题更加复杂化,导致全球领导人产生了危险的意见分歧。

  • How long can the currency undervaluation blame game or the finger-pointing about the fuelling of inflation last ?

    指责汇率 低估的游戏或攻讦助长通胀的剧码能够持续多久?