This progress is most welcome but is fragile uneven inequitable and inadequate .
我们热烈欢迎这一进展,但也要看到这仍有不够稳固、 不 平衡、不公平和不充分的一面。
The side tracks off the tarred road were rutted and uneven
柏油路面两边的辅道上布满车辙, 凹凸不平 。
This will cause uneven load on your cache in terms of memory and processing .
这将在内存和处理上导致缓存负载的 不 均匀。
The table wobbled on its uneven legs .
这桌子腿 不平,直晃悠。
What kids experience now is an uneven rate of development . They are forced to be older than their years .
小孩子现在的问题是成长速度 不 均衡。他们被迫变得比自己的实际年龄老成。
The uneven distribution of wealth causes many problems .
财富分配 不 均引发了许多问题。
The disabled career still lags behind the economic and social development uneven regional development .
残疾人事业仍滞后于经济和社会的发展,地区发展 不 平衡。
The pieces of wood are uneven in length and can 't be used .
这些木条长短 不 齐,没法用。
He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park
他摇摇晃晃地行走在停车场 凹凸不平的地面上。
Due to its uneven topography fujian has many cliffs and rapids .
由于复杂的地貌,福建有许多悬崖 险滩。
It was an uneven contest .
这是一场 不 公平的竞赛。
The effect of uneven distribution of strain during compression on dynamic recrystallization and grain size of austenite was analyzed .
分析了热模拟变形过程中的 非 均匀应变对奥氏体动态再结晶及晶粒尺寸的影响。
He stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face .
他在 不平的地上绊了一跤,摔了个嘴啃地。
His teeth are uneven .
他的牙长 得 里出外进的。
Differences reinforced by highly uneven economic and social development .
由极度 不 公平的经济和社会发展所强化了的差异。
The acting is wildly uneven .
演技 起伏极大。
This was for him an oddly uneven performance
对他而言,这场 演出时 好时 坏,很是奇怪。
They should not have an uneven bite and a strong chin is a plus .
他们不应该有一个 不 平衡,咬和强烈的下巴是一个加号。
Mineral resources are limited and uneven distribution thus the development and utilization of mineral resources is limited .
矿产资源的有限性和分布 不 均匀性,决定了矿产资源的开发利用是有限的。
He stumbled on the uneven ground .
他在 凹凸不平地面上绊倒了。
The uneven defects on microstructure and properties were analyzed .
对 板型 不 均缺陷的性能和微观组织进行了分析。
Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid
其中一些灾民大声地抱怨紧急援助 物资分配 不 公。
China also suffers from uneven development between its rural and urban areas .
中国地区、城乡发展 不 平衡的问题也很突出,中西部和农村的不少地方仍然相当落后。
This causes uneven regulation and excessive stem wear .
这将导致调节 不 均匀和阀杆磨损过度。
China is an uneven distribution of resources cross country .
我国是一个资源分布 不平横的国家。
The chewing surfaces of back teeth are rough and uneven because they have small pits and grooves .
后磨牙的咀嚼面是粗糙和 不平的,因为它们有小的凹陷和沟槽。
It is all the more evident that the world economic recovery is fragile and uneven .
世界经济复苏的脆弱性和 不 平衡性进一步显现。
He could hear that her breathing was uneven
他能听到她的呼吸不 均匀。
She gazed round the church at the grey uneven walls and the vivid stained glass windows .
她四下打量了一番教堂 凹凸不平的灰色墙壁和色彩鲜艳的彩色玻璃窗。