Objective To evaluate the effects of acupuncture therapy on cerebral function and blood perfusion in unconsious patients with severe brain injuries and brain infarction by SPECT and clinic analysis .
目的应用SPECT观察针刺治疗 改善严重脑损害 昏迷患者脑血流灌注和脑功能 活动 的 可行性和价值,为针刺促 醒及功能的 康复治疗 提供依据。
Results SPECT showed impaired perfusion and hypofunction before acupuncture and unconsious improvement at different levels during electric acupuncture stimulation in 17 patients with severe brain injuries .
结果17例严重脑损害 昏迷患者 针刺 治疗前SPECT 皆显示脑内 大片放射性 分布 稀疏 区或 缺损 区。电针治疗时,诸患者脑血流灌注和脑功能活动增高,所有病灶都有不同程度的缩小。
Conclusion This result assurs the clinical value of electric acupuncture therapy in treating unconsious patients with severe brain injuries by increasing brain perfusion and improving brain cell function and repairing .
结论 针刺治疗确实可以改善 病灶 区的脑血流灌注和脑细胞的功能,激发脑细胞活性,可以作为严重脑损害患者综合治疗的方法之一。