


  • In spite of two rounds of redundancies more costs need to come out with unprofitable units binned .

    尽管进行了两轮裁员,雅虎仍需进一步压缩成本,摒弃 盈利 业务部门。

  • The company plans to slash unprofitable routes along with a third of its workforce .

    日航计划削减 赚钱的航线,并裁减三分之一的员工。

  • Know when to stop investing in unprofitable customers .

    知道何时停止对 那些 不能 带来 利润的客户进行投资。

  • To boost productivity at home Japan needs to kill off some of its old unprofitable companies .

    要提高国内生产力,日本需关闭一些衰老、 不再 盈利的企业。

  • They say the heavy subsidies placed on agricultural produce by the American and European governments in recent decades have made investment in agriculture unprofitable for many other countries because they have found it hard to compete .

    他们表示,最近数十年来,美国和欧洲政府对农产品实行的大力补贴,已经令许多其它国家在农业方面的投资 无利可图,因为它们发现难以与欧美展开竞争。

  • Owning much unprofitable land but lacking the capital to improve or maintain it .

    土地多而 收入少的拥有大量 不能 获利的土地但是 缺乏资金加以改造或维持的。

  • Others are doomed to play their unprofitable part in a game they cannot control .

    还有些公司注定在一场自己无法掌控的游戏中扮演 无利可图的角色。

  • The government stopped funding unprofitable industries .

    政府停止了对 亏损行业的资助。

  • Thus the more new customers they signed up the more unprofitable the bank became !

    因此,他们吸收的新客户越多,银行就变得越 盈利

  • Not at all & it is very unprofitable to kill customers !

    决非如此&害死用户完全 无利可图

  • Without exception the earliest colonial ventures were unprofitable .

    早期殖民地 历险无一例外地 无利可图

  • Speculation as to the desirability of this process is an unprofitable pastime .

    猜测这一进程有何可取之处是 无益之举。

  • The airline has sold non-core assets cut jobs and eliminated unprofitable routes but analysts and creditors say more radical measures are needed .

    该公司已售出非核心资产,裁减员工并取消 无利可图的航线,但分析师和债权人说,公司仍需采取更彻底的措施。

  • Much of the investment now undertaken would be unprofitable without the artificial support provided he argues .

    他认为,目前实施的投资中,有很大一部分如果没有那些人为的支持,将 无利可图

  • By analyzing the cost of each service prices can be set to maximize profits and eliminate unprofitable services .

    通过分析每项劳务的成本,就能定出价格,使利润最大化,并排除 无利可图的劳务。

  • The newspaper is believed to have been unprofitable for at least the past decade .

    据信这家报纸至少在过去10年中都 没有 盈利

  • The medical institutions are to be classified in profitable and unprofitable ones .

    医疗机构被分为赢利性和 赢利性两类。

  • Unprofitable plants contracts and other liabilities that the company can no longer afford will be left behind .

    摒弃 那些 无利可图的工厂、合同以及公司再也无法负担的债务。

  • And only when it becomes unprofitable will it stop .

    只有当这个 行当 到什么 了,它才会停止。

  • A good accountant can analyze an unprofitable operation quickly .

    一名优秀的会计师能迅速分析出 亏损的环节。

  • Chinese personal-computer giant Lenovo Group Ltd. says its unprofitable smartphone business will become an engine for its growth .

    中国个人电脑生产巨头联想集团(LenovoGroupLtd.)表示,该公司目前尚未 盈利的智能手机业务将成为其增长引擎。

  • This is an unprofitable discussion . Our standpoints are too different .

    这是一种 无益的讨论。我们的立场太不一样了。

  • The trouble with the profit system has always been that is was highly unprofitable to most people .

    利润制度的最大弊端始终是绝大多数的人是 绝对 无利可图的。

  • Inflation has made it an unprofitable but necessary evil .

    通货膨胀已经让其成为 无利可图 不得不 保留的累赘。

  • We decide to cut out all the unprofitable projects .

    我们决定撤掉所有 盈利的项目。

  • Deposits abandoned by mining companies as unprofitable .

    因为 没有 利润矿业公司放弃了存款。

  • The day proved frustratingly unprofitable .

    今天是 劳而无功的一天,令人十分沮丧。