urban poor

[ˈɚbən pʊr][ˈə:bən puə]

[法] 城市贫民

  • Analysis about Lack of the Urban Poor Groups of Social Security Old-Age

    城市 贫困老年群体社会保障缺失分析

  • Systems of basic living allowances for laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances for the urban poor were established .

    建立了国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障制度、失业保险制度、 城市 居民最低生活保障制度。

  • The low income of the urban poor naturally resulted in a high proportion of trips being made on foot and by bicycle .

    城市 贫困 阶层的低收入自然而然导致了步行和骑自行车在出行方式中所占的高比例。

  • The urban poor move from neighbourhood to neighbourhood and from city to city unable to form longterm social associations .

    城市 贫民从一地移向另一地,从一个城市移向另一个城市,不能建立一种长期的社会联系。

  • He says it has become a crisis for the world 's most vulnerable including the urban poor .

    对于世界上最弱势的群体来说,尤其是 城市 贫民粮价上涨已经变成了一场致命的危机。

  • Ideological development of traditional social relief in China and social succor to the urban poor

    中国传统社会救济与 城市 贫困 人口社会救助理念建设

  • The urban poor increasingly serious problem of housing slum and squatter settlements is in large numbers which have seriously affected the normal urban socioeconomic development .

    城市 平民的住房问题日益严峻,贫民窟和棚户区更是大量涌现。

  • The dual structure of urban and rural areas in China makes us neglect the problem of urban poor children .

    我国城乡二元结构的体制,在一定程度上导致了对我国 城市 贫困儿童问题的忽视。

  • Analyses the Disease Economic Risk of the Urban Poor in the City Which Medical Aid is Piloting

    医疗救助试点 城市 贫困 人群疾病经济风险分析

  • And always it is the urban poor especially slum dwellers who are most at risk when disaster strikes .

    灾难发生时, 城市 贫困 人口、尤其是贫民窟居民永远是风险最高的人群。

  • Research on Urban Poor Children 's Social Welfare in China : Review and Prospect

    我国 城市 贫困儿童福利研究:回顾与展望

  • Our government has always paid much attention to the life of the urban poor .

    我们的政府历来都重视 城市 贫民的生活。

  • Having taught in China at the university level for many years I am very much in favor of increasing the number of students from peasant and urban poor families .

    我在中国的大学教了很多年书,我特别希望看到来自农民和 城市 贫民家庭的学生数量的增加。

  • Based on a survey conducted in Wuhan Xian Fujian this paper draws a conclusion : the living situation and development situation of China 's urban poor children are looking blue .

    笔者在对武汉、西安、福建三地调研基础上得出以下结论:我国 城市 贫困 家庭中的儿童的生存与发展现状并不乐观。

  • Over the past few decades the disease has spread dramatically says da Silva noting in particular the toll it has taken on the urban poor living in the shanty towns of Asia and Latin America .

    daSilva说,“过去几十年来,该疾病严重蔓延”,尤其值得注意的是,该疾病对亚洲和拉丁美洲 城镇棚户区 贫穷 人口造成了巨大影响。

  • The same held true at household level indicating that the rural landless and the urban poor were most-at risk .

    这也同样适用于家庭一级,它表明农村无地者和 城市 贫民面临的风险最大。

  • Study on Bearing Capacity to Water Price and Water Use Condition of Urban Poor Families in Beijing

    北京 城市 低保家庭水价承受能力及用水状况研究

  • Such investments often create what sociologists call the new urban poor .

    此类的留学投资通常都会导致社会学家口中所谓的新 城市 贫民的产生。

  • The urban poor too came originally from dispossessed peasants .

    城市 贫民本来也是来源于破产的农民。它来源于信心而不是出于不稳定感。

  • Prior to his move to new york he was staff of the world bank in africa where he worked on policies and programs to improve water services to the urban poor in East Africa kenya Uganda and tanzania .

    在搬到纽约之前,他曾为世界银行非洲项目工作,从事政策研究和在东非肯尼亚、乌干达、坦桑尼亚等国为 城市 贫民改善生活用水服务方面的项目。

  • His natural supporters are the urban poor the young and educated people of a liberal turn of mind .

    他自然而然的支持者是 都市 贫困 、年轻人和具有自由思想的受过教育的人。

  • These conditions are costly to treat for households and societies and they are increasingly concentrated in the urban poor .

    对家庭和社会来说,这些病症的治疗费用很高,而且也越来越集中地出现在 城市 穷人 上。

  • South Africa was praised in a recent United Nations report for its consistent political commitment to slum upgrading and provision for the urban poor .

    联合国在最近发布的报告中,称赞南非在改善贫民窟居住条件和为 城市 贫困 人口提供便利方面,保持了政治承诺的连贯性。

  • At home China has spawned a new caste of millionaires an emerging middle-class centred in large cities on the coast alongside a struggling and increasingly fractious rural underclass and urban poor .

    在国内,中国孕育了一个新的富豪阶层、一个集中在沿海大城市的新兴中产阶层,以及一个苦苦挣扎、越来越难以驾驭的农村下层和 城市 贫民 阶层

  • The rural poor see wealth only on television ; the urban poor witness lavish lifestyles in the flesh .

    农村贫困人口只是在电视上看到财富; 城市 贫困 人口 亲眼见证着奢侈的生活方式。

  • Thaksin has strong support among the rural and urban poor as well among some sections of the army and police .

    他信在农村在 城镇 人口中支持率很高,在某些军队和警察中也大受支持。