Conclusion B-ultrasonographic examination in diagnosis of congenital ureterostenosis possesses greater advantage and better clinical value .
结论B超对先天性 输尿管 狭窄的诊断有较大的优越性和很好的临床价值。
Complications were observed in patients treated with silver nitrate ( renal atrophy ; 1 case left ureterostenosis in superior segment ; 1 case and shock ; 1 case ) .
硝酸银组出现1例休克,1例左肾萎缩,1例左 输尿管 上段 狭窄并发症;
Methods 33 cases of ureterostenosis were measured with B-ultrasonographic examination the result of B-ultrasonographic examination was compared with the diagnosis of X-ray and surgery .
方法对33例 输尿管 狭窄病例行B超检测,并与X线、手术结果进行对比。
Objective To study clinical value of ultrasonic diagnosis in the congenital ureterostenosis .
目的研究超声诊断在先天性 输尿管 狭窄中的临床价值。
Cases which suffered from ureterostenosis and hydronephrosis were examined with MRU .
除 常规 扫描 外,对 3 例 输尿管 狭窄 伴肾盂积水患者行MRU(磁共振泌尿系造影)检查;
The Diagnostic Value for Ureterostenosis by Ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Pyeloureterography
超声引导下经皮肾盂穿刺造影对 输尿管 狭窄的诊断价值
The ultrasonographic diagnostic results in 28 patients with the congenital ureterostenosis were reported . The results have been compared with the surgical and pathological findings . The diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography was 85.7 % ( 24 / 28 ) .
B超对先天性 输尿管 狭窄的诊断价值本文报告28例先天性 输尿管 狭窄的超声诊断结果,经与手术和病理诊断结果对比,超声诊断符合率为85.7(24/28)。
Study on the Applied Anatomy of Ureterostenosis
输尿管 狭窄的应用解剖学研究
11 with ureterostenosis ;
输尿管 狭窄11例;
Objective To discuss the method and curative effect of ureterostenosis with incision of Ho : YAG laser under ureteroscope .
目的探讨输尿管镜下钬激光(Ho:YAG激光)内切开术治疗 输尿管 狭窄的方法及疗效。
Ultrasonic Feature Analysing of the Ureterostenosis and its Significance
输尿管 狭窄的超声特点分析及意义
Evaluation of Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Congenital Ureterostenosis
实时超声显像对先天性 输尿管 狭窄的诊断评价
It was found that influence factors were ureteric orifice stenosis and edema irregular stones ureterostenosis polyp pregnancy obesity and so on .
术中发现影响 梗阻 解除 的 主要因素有输尿管口狭窄、水肿,结石 形态不规则,结石 下方 输尿管 狭窄以及息肉、妊娠、肥胖等。
Results The localization rate and accord rate of B-ultrasonographic examination in diagnosis of ureterostenosis ( obstruction ) were 93.3 % and 81.8 % respectively .
结果B超对 输尿管梗阻定位率为 939%,疾病诊断的符合率818%。
Clinical analysis of 53 cases of ureterostenosis
输尿管 狭窄53例临床分析
[医] 输尿管狭窄