


  • In this paper misinterpretation includes deliberate misinterpretation and unintentional misinterpretation .

    误解和刻意曲解是两个易被 混淆的概念。

  • Analysis on Unintentional Ambiguity in English Communicative Teaching

    英语交际教学中的 无意歧义现象分析

  • This helps identify potential unintentional object references causing memory leaks .

    这有助于识别导致内存泄漏的潜在 无意对象引用。

  • Taken together and implemented properly they reduce the chance of undetected unintentional damage to essentially zero .

    将它们综合起来恰当地实现,会将未被发现的 蓄意破坏发生的可能性几乎减少到零。

  • Reusing IP addresses can lead to an unintentional Denial of Service attack ( DoS ) .

    重用IP地址可能会导致 意外的DenialofServiceattack(DoS)。

  • This is provided to avoid unintentional dropping of the table .

    这样可以避免 无意 撤销表。

  • Interestingly enough there 's an unintentional result of the jQuery code as written .

    有趣的是,jQuery代码在编写时出现了一个 意外的结果。

  • The damage made by a third party can be divided into unintentional and deliberate damage .

    第三方破坏可分为 无意破坏和有意破坏两种。

  • The main causes of child unintentional injuries are road traffic crashes drowning burns falls and poisoning .

    儿童 意外伤害的主要原音包括:道路交通意外碰撞、溺水、烧烫伤、坠落及中毒。

  • Unintentional injuries and suicides are respectively the fourth and 10th leading causes of death among Americans .


  • There are moments of unintentional humour .

    有几个 并非 出于 本意 人发笑 之处

  • This helps avoid bugs that result from unintentional use of uninitialized variables .

    这有助于避免因 意外使用了未经初始化的变量而导致的bug。

  • Africa has the highest rate overall for unintentional injury deaths .

    非洲 儿童 意外伤害总死亡率最高。

  • Therotting mouse corpses must be properly disposed and other animals-like cats and dogs-were the unintentional victims of the poisons .

    鼠标的腐烂的尸体,必须妥善处理和其他动物-如猫,狗-是 无意的受害者的毒药。

  • Perhaps he had slightly misled them but it was quite unintentional

    也许他给他们造成了小小的误导,但他不是 有意的。

  • But sometimes the shock was unintentional .

    但是,有些时候这些电击是 无意的。

  • That this oversight was completely unintentional .

    这次疏漏完全是 无心

  • Robbed of this warning affected people may fail to protect themselves from unintentional injuries .

    这一预警信号被劫持后,那些受影响人将不能在 意识的伤害中保护自己。

  • Combustion effects may cause unintentional interactions with the adjacent main flow environment .

    燃烧效应可能 无意 引起与邻近主流环境的相互作用。

  • The needs of the business and the role of IT evolve ; these unintentional governance solutions do not .

    商业的需求和IT的角色在演进,而这些 意识的治理解决方案没有演进。

  • Unintentional injuries are a leading cause of death and disability among young people .


  • Unintentional injuries and psychoneurosis will affect the people 's psychosomatic health and cause heavy social burdens .


  • But not all data corruption is unintentional .

    但不是所有的数据损坏都是 蓄意的。

  • Evil is unintentional not an essence and has an accidental cause which is good .

    恶不是 故意的,它不是一种本质,而且它具有偶然性的善因。

  • Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide .

    跌伤是世界各地意外或 故意伤害死亡的第二大原因。

  • Drowning is the3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide accounting for7 % of all injury related deaths .

    溺水是世界各地 故意伤害死亡的第三大原因,占所有与伤害有关死亡的7%。

  • There are numerous instances of unintentional ( and a few intentional ) abuses .

    有众多的例子 故意(并且一些故意)弊病。

  • In India unintentional falls are a major public health problem that disproportionately affects older women and children .

    在印度, 意外跌落是一个不同程度影响老年妇女和儿童的重要公众健康问题。

  • This advanced packaging feature prevents unintentional contact with hazardous voltage allowing for safer service and maintenance .

    这种先进的封装功能,防止 意外接触危险电压,使维修服务和更安全的。