The color of unilocular adipose tissue varies from white to dark yellow .
单 房 性脂肪组织的颜色从白色到暗黄色不等。
Conclusion CT is of high value for the diagnosis of hepatic hydatid cyst it is an effective method for unilocular simple cyst by CT-guided interventional therapy which similar to surgical resection .
结论CT对 各种 类型肝包虫囊肿具有较高诊断价值,而且对于 单囊型 包虫囊肿CT引导下介入治疗效果 肯定,可达到手术切除的 效果。
The ovary was bicarpellary syncarpous and unilocular having parietal placentas . Ovules were anatropous .
子房为二心皮一室,多胚珠,侧膜 胎座,倒生型胚珠。
Objective To explore the curative effects of methylprednisolone sodium succinate on unilocular bone cysts in Children .
目的探讨骨囊肿内 注射甲泼尼龙琥珀酸钠治疗儿童 单 房 性骨 囊肿的疗效。
There were 25 cases with unilocular cyst and 1 case with bilocular cyst .
大小6.8cm×3.0cm~1.5cm× 0.8cm。囊肿为 单 房25例,双 房1例。
Conclusions Unilateral adnexal unilocular cysts < 5cm in diameter in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women are associated with minimal risk for ovarian cancer and can be followed at 3-to 6-month intervals without surgery .
结论围绝经期及绝经后妇女一侧附件 5cm以下 单 房囊肿恶性风险低,可以定期随访,不必急于手术;
Results In 41 patients with pseudocyst a total of 44 cysts were detected of which 41 was unilocular and 3 multilocular .
结果41例假性囊肿CT共检出44个囊 性病灶,其中41个 病灶为 单房 囊肿,3个 病灶囊 内 见 分隔。
The cure rate of the unilocular cysts was higher than that of the multilocular cysts there were significant differences using Chi-square test ( P < 0.005 ) .
且 单 房 性 囊肿的治愈率高于多房性囊肿,χ2检验具有极显著性差异(P<0.005)。
Figures 1 2 . 21-22 weeks : unilocular mid-line cystic lesion .
图1、2孕21-22周: 单 房的位于中线处的囊性病变。
Unilocular radiolucent appearance in 1 case .
单 房型1例。
Methods 24 cases of unilocular bone cysts in children were chosen and treated with injection of methylprednisolone sodium succinate into cysts .
方法选择24例 单 房 性骨囊肿患儿,采用囊内注射甲泼尼龙琥珀酸钠治疗。
On B-mode ultrasound images all lesions appeared as unilocular or multilocular cyst in 5 cases intratumoral septum in 10 cases intratumoral nodule in 4 cases solid-like mass in 1 case .
常规超声病灶表现为 单 房或多房囊肿5例,瘤内分隔10例,瘤内结节4例,类实质回声1例。